Well it looks like we will have 4 maybe 5 people max on the trails working. And if we are installing guard railing we want as many people as possible. The extremely short notice given on this is kind of throwing me through a loop. I had a friend of mine going with that is saywer certified for this weekend, he works for the FS in South Carolina. He had requested off for this weekend etc, hopefully he can make it next weekend.
I am sure its the same for the few other people showing up. Most plan/planned their schedule around the work day. I know for me I am going to be out there next weekend for our 2nd big yearly trip (we do one in April, and one in October) anyway. I have obligations related to it, but I can get someone else to play trail guide so I can do the work day. Who knows, maybe I can drag some of the people showing up for the event along. Just kind of puts a strain on something I have been planning for months.
Anyway. Bottom line being I don't see this weekend working out. I understand it puts a burden on a lot of people, including myself but I don't see anyway around it. Maybe those that still want to show up can stop by Janet's and sign in and do some trail clean up/put up some markers. Essentially what we have been doing the last couple work days. If we have people still decide to show up I will still take a stab at making it this weekend.
So unless anyone has any objections I will call Terry later in the morning and tell her we will go with the next weekend work day.
These (besides YHDG of course) are the 3 others still going to my knowledge:
- oleblue
- 89Runner
- up-n-over