Vick Gets 23 Months

I agree, I thought he got way too much, for what he did, then again (and I'm not advocating abusing animals) but I don't really see a problem with Dog fighting or any kinda animal fighting personally. Don't get me wrong I love Dogs, I have a lab thats cool as heck.

But I'm half Cuban and partially Spanish (Mom's like 3/4 Cuban 1/4 Spanish)), my Uncle/Grandpa are all about watching Bullfighting so every time they were around as a kid I kinda grew up watching it. It just kinda makes me wonder if other countries are watching this from the outside and thinking were idiots for punishing a man for doing this.

Like I said, I'm not about being cruel to animals, and I apologize in advance if this offends you/etc, I just don't see a problem with animal fighting in general, I find it pretty entertaining. I guess my main point is its just difference of Cultural upbringing . . . .

If this was a legal Sport like bull fighting is in other countrys then he would not have been arrested. But he knew it was Illegal and still did it, so he must face the punishment.