volunteers needed

PERKS..for volunteers.

All vols. will get a ''staff'' shirt AND(this will be more important than you might think) free camping in the group camp, which has been paid for and reservrd by American wheeler. This might not seem like much, but this camping is a central location and base of operations for American Wheeler.Now the where do I camp questions have been answered for the vols.
As to the food question...I dont know yet, but yes it would be cool to have a dinner, but things will be moving quickly and I dont know/think there will be time to GATHER everyone for a meal together, but I could be wrong.
Kings Point is to the right, if leaving group camp. The feds have spent around 2 million bucks(according to Debra the ranger) and have created a great venue area surrounded by the lake on 3 sides. Verry nice!
I'm with kaiser715... If this is a for-profit event, then the dude should be paying people to help run it. Not asking for volunteers. Sure, if people want to volunteer their time as a way of finding people to help that is great, but they should at least get an "free weekend" as well as whatever else (shirt/hat/etc). I'm sure that has been thought of and would definetly be considered though.

I don't want anybody to take what I said the wrong way (and I don't think Tacoma did, btw). I've worked on many volunteer events, or with volunteer organizations, and yes, there have been people that 'made money' of some sort off the activity, whether a for-profit event such as this, or salaried staff in an otherwise volunteer organization. I have also worked events where volunteer staff didn't get as much as a verbal 'thank you' from the organizers.

"Sweetening the pot" with things like t-shirts, a known thank-you event for volunteers like a pig-pickin the next weekend, admission, etc are a great way to get more, and better volunteers, especially next year.

There has to be some accountability, though, especially if free admission is part of the package...whats to keep someone from signing up to be a "volunteer" getting his festival pass, then "forgetting" he is a volunteer, and going straight to party mode? Maybe a free pass is not the best thing because of that.
I had another thought while typing the above message, but figured it would fit best in a separate post.

Thinking of arriving traffic, parking lots, roadside parking, ...

As I said, I have worked in the past with many events where large numbers of people have come in from many different areas, often arriving in a short period of time. One thing we have done to help keep arriving traffic moving is having, for lack of a better term, "roadside assistance" helpers. Yes, people do arrive after a 4 hour drive and run out of gas blocking the parking lot, they have a dead battery and just need a boost so someone else can have that parking spot, or they try and turn around in the worst place and back into a culvert and block the road. Seen it all.

A volunteer or three equipped to handle such problems can keep traffic flowing better for arriving visitors.

Another thing on volunteers -- nobody probably wants to be stuck doing the same thing for a whole weekend....have different categories/shifts of volunteers....work the parking lot in the a.m., a trail intersection that afternoon, the actual race course the next morning, etc...... Better than the person thats stuck at a trail intersection for two days, while everybody else has the fun. There will be some great volunteer jobs, and plenty of hard, boring, nobody-wants-to-do-it jobs.
Im a volunteer FF and was plannin on bein there the whole weekend. Id be more than happy to help out in any way if you need me. I can prob. get a few more VFFs/EMTs to tag along with me too
Thanks for the trail repair offer, but it wont be needed on the trail during the race...if someone breaks that bad, they lost the race..that simple. However, if you wish to vol. this service, we will find a central location to do it in. Thanks:beer:
My offer for the trail repair was more for after racing to help get the badly damaged off the mountain.I knew that during the race I couldn't do it.I've now gotten testicular fortitude and signed up in street class.Hopefully I won't need to weld myself.:driver::bounce2:
My offer for the trail repair was more for after racing to help get the badly damaged off the mountain.I knew that during the race I couldn't do it.I've now gotten testicular fortitude and signed up in street class.Hopefully I won't need to weld myself.:driver::bounce2:
oh yeah, another one signed up, gonna try to win some loot, huh? It would be good if noone breaks

So, everybody that is in the race, needs to go slow and steady, so they dont break anything. Thats my best advise for all competitors.:flipoff2:
I will be able to help out also wherever I'm needed when I'm not running the race. I can do extraction, move tape or whatever. :driver:
Please sign me up as a volunteer. I can help on trail, building rock garden, etc. In fact, there are three of us, each with a rig (if needed). One is a 454 Blazer with a 12K winch for heavy work.

We'll be available all weekend and are setup in Arrowhead already. None of us are running the race.

ttt..............After telling Shawn of all the possible volunteers that have contacted me, he has given me my own web address on www.americanwheeler.com
You may now contact me at dylan@americanwheeler.com
I dont think this shows up on the web-site yet, or if it will.
I am asking anyone who is going to volunteer to contact me there. I can keep better track of all the folks there.
So , if ya dont mind..i know you have already PMed me here, but could ya do it again at the new address. Thanks in advance!:popcorn:

Info needed..
Name and contact number.
What you would like to volunteer for.
Times/days available to work the race
if you are competing or not.