Water bars(jumps) at URE

Dylan W.

lone resident of Bro-Lite Island
Mar 17, 2007
Mocksville NC
This has come up a couple of times, so I thought a seperate thread would help warn folks better.(mods delete if needed)

Over the winter, URE has added and upgraded their water bars. They are alot more of them than last year. And they seem to be larger than ever. Maybe they are still new and have'nt ''mellowed out'' yet, but the fact remains...They are everywhere on the race course (Rocky Mt. Loop) These pose a potential for great carnage. We cant move em' or shave em' down. All we can do is warn folks that if you try to jump them...you're probably gonna break your junk and need a tow. Since the parts you will break are Nuckles and steering components, this will be a difficult and timely extraction process.

I am not saying ''dont jump'' I'm just saying the ''jumps'' are not going to be easy on you're rigs, and think about you're stradegy and factor this in. One must first finish before one can finish first! Aslo, think of a BMX racer, seldom do you see them jumping, instead they ''hug'' the jump and use the back side as sort of launch pad to gain speed.

That is all!:beer:
LMAO!!!...dylan has rented out his jeep and is now having second thoughts!!!
Try jumping one in a stock YJ. Way back before I knew better I did. I got lucky as the bumpstops worked as bump-slow-downs and the front axle housing only poked a tiny hole in my oil pan. I drove it to the cabin and got a ride home to get the truck and trailer. I pulled the pan and beat it back out flat, then brazed the inside of the pan and welded the outside. A little black spray paint and it was good as new.

Youth is wasted on the young is it not?

JT hit every one on the way out of RML at around 20mph. Turned around and did it 4 or 5 more times to get the top speed, my money is still on him for the stock class. I'll see if I can get the video of him to load.
Again, it's just a friendly reminder......you can jump all you want, but odds are, you're gonna break or endo. It hurts to stick the nose in at 20mph. Trust me..I know! Plus the humps are not tailored for jumping. I know JT is a nut, and a good driver, but is everyone else? Remember the jump at the finish line at the DPG Rock race?
It had to be groomed a little after a couple nose dives and an endo!(who was that anyway?) lol I just dont want anyone to be surprised when there ass end goes over their heads, or their front bumper digs in and they get severe seatbelt burns or worse....actually...thats all fine with me..it's the recovery efforts thats gonna slow the race and cause problems. But like I already said...Jump all you want!!!:bounce2:
Just HOW do you push your rig back down to "hug" the jump? :D

several steps to properly "speed jump" a water bar.

1. Get friend nearby to video tape this for further instruction of others online.
2. Find the two fattest(largest total mass. Not worthless BMI) people you know. (Not it. this is my idea, you can't use me.)
3. Buy them snowboard boots.
4. Weld snowboard bindings to your front and rear bumper.
5. Make sure they both have rooms to bend their knees to get a proper preload, jump and absorption as their respective axle goes over said water bar.
6. Post video on youtube.
7. Link from here.
8. _________
9. Profit.

There you go. That's how you speed jump. :lol:
I mounting dual front shocks specifically for the race cause I knew there was gonna be a good bit o airtime . . . .

My Rigs seem to be mocking me though, I had both my Truck and Jeep running fine for the first time since November, then over the last few days both decided to let there fuel pumps go bad, and of course both fuel pumps were brand new :confused::mad:
I was jumping them last weekend catching a good bit of air but I was coming down a little nose heavy. I'm going to shuffle some weight around and try to get a better landing. I'll probably also add dual shocks as well.
I'm just saying the ''jumps'' are not going to be easy on you're rigs, and think about you're stradegy and factor this in.

That is all!:beer:

Why would I want to be easy on my rig?
^ or because he spent so much time and effort making that sweet front bumper?

Hey now
I could have done alot of other things with that 2 hours of my life
I was jumping them last weekend catching a good bit of air but I was coming down a little nose heavy. I'm going to shuffle some weight around and try to get a better landing. I'll probably also add dual shocks as well.

Don't waste your time, it's not your weight distribution that's making you land nose-first..
Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick, but wouldn't double shocks disqualify from the "stock" class requirement of "original type suspension"? I was getting a hard time just for having "helper" coil springs added to my rear
Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick, but wouldn't double shocks disqualify from the "stock" class requirement of "original type suspension"? I was getting a hard time just for having "helper" coil springs added to my rear
I don't think they are running in the "stock" class?
I don't think they are running in the "stock" class?

I know Marvilus was plannning to, I just wouldn't want him to get an unexpected surprise.

I think for future years, it would save much grief/questions if the classes were simply "A", "B" etc and avoided the word "stock". That would eliminate 95% of the questions.
But I don't want to hijack thsi thread.

I, for one, am looking forward to "accidentally" jumping a time or two. Good thing I left those bumpstops on...
The key to jumping is TOTAL COMMITMENT...That means full throttle throuout the jump. Any hesitation will result in a nosedive. Ya just gotta ''want it''.

This is going to be the craziest thing yall ever saw(me too) !!!!!
Sounds like if you are in A class, and not hitting them with some serious speed, then you are racing for second place.