Well that sucks - pre KOH breakage

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Damn that's a shitty week.
Is that a trick link there?

What the hell?
Originally I linked to the MD Creepers board post. Then I found the one on PBB, which has more discussion/pics, came back here and edited the post. Now when I click it, it still goes to the Creepers board even though the URL is pointing to PBB. WTF are the forums gods doing here?
What the hell?
Originally I linked to the MD Creepers board post. Then I found the one on PBB, which has more discussion/pics, came back here and edited the post. Now when I click it, it still goes to the Creepers board even though the URL is pointing to PBB. WTF are the forums gods doing here?

No, the link points to MD Creepers, but the text *describing* the link is itself a URL for PBB.

No, the link points to MD Creepers, but the text *describing* the link is itself a URL for PBB.

I got that - but I can't change it. When I go to "edit" and it pops up the sub window, it shows only the text and not the URL code. I even tried deleting the whole line, then re-pasting in the link. It's like the URL is preserved but is hidden from me.
Ah, found it.
Apparently there's is an extra little button in the upper R corner of the edit box that you can to click to show the coding.
Yeah, the little button in the top right corner switches between the WYSIWYG editor and the plain text editor.