
Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
...and it's NOT the cop.

A doofus does a "1st & 2nd Amendment Audit" at our local correctional facility here in Sanford.

Comments on the video are mostly stupid/sad/ignorant.

I looked at the county GIS info....I'd say about 99% he did get off public property and across the line.

What is the point? I HATE people like that. I mean I despise that dude. I skipped ahead a lot, but I did hear the dude say “I’m out here for y’all, ima keep fighting as long as I can” for his viewers. Fighting for what? What is he trying to prove?

It makes zero sense to me. Stand outside a prison with a gun and practice your “right” just sounds dumb to me.

It’s infuriating that people do crap like that and antagonize cops when their job is hard enough already. I hope that dude got tassed I till he pissed himself! What a POS.
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Dude was open carrying and filming on prison property where the signage says CLEARLY that both are illegal.

How the officer didn't shoot this guys dog already is beyond me
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"yawn" where's the rest of it,esp the part where he's tazed??? I love it when people who act like a hard ass squeal like a little girl.
Was he, or was he not on prison property? The definition of him being "right" or wrong lies completely within an ACCURATE answer to that question, which none of us have.

FWIW, I think he drives a squatted truck too, but facts are facts.
Was he, or was he not on prison property?
My buddy Jeremy works for the city of sandford public works and said they guy in the video is WRONG in the fact that he IS on prison property
Speaking of dumbass's check out some of the sovereign citizens videos.
Speaking of dumbass's check out some of the sovereign citizens videos.

I’ve seen run-ins with those folks while watching Live PD. People like that, and in the video above, are exactly why after much prayer and starting the process to be a Sheriff, I felt like God made it abundantly clear that wasn’t His plan for me. I’m certain He knew I couldn’t handle folks like that and that I would bounce their head off the trunk and start beating them while I screamed “stop resisting!”

I wanted to be a Sheriff more than anything, but once I did some real ride alongs and got into the process I realized I don’t have what it takes to deal with people like that and I wouldn’t have a job very long.
Talked to a buddy at the SO...that concrete post he's walking around starting at about 8:37 is about 7 or 8 feet onto the property. The property line is just outside (closer to road) the stop sign on the other side of the driveway. Surveyor is supposed to come and mark the exact property line ASAP. If I get over that way tomorrow I'll see if there are any flags or paint.
I’m not sure how the law reads, but wouldn’t still be their property all the way to the road, but there’s still an easement or right of way so far off the road?

If we are being technical, the prison is property of the state, and the road is property of the state so he is still actually on state property?

I don’t know just spit balling. I hate people like that if I didn’t mention it already, scum of the earth...
I wish we could see the video of them going to court and the judge telling them to pound sand.

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I’m not sure how the law reads, but wouldn’t still be their property all the way to the road, but there’s still an easement or right of way so far off the road?

If we are being technical, the prison is property of the state, and the road is property of the state so he is still actually on state property?

I don’t know just spit balling. I hate people like that if I didn’t mention it already, scum of the earth...
Yes, but the state can have different kinds of property - e.g. ones where carrying is legal, and where it isn't.
The state owns the courthouse grounds and building but you sure as hell can't do whatever you want there.