What does your dog hear?


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
As title says, What does your dog hear. Most will say " a cheese wrapper". Well, mine has never heard a cheese wrapper, at least not here. But, though these days it's difficult for her to get stood up on my slick floors, she manages! The jingle of my keys, The me stirring my coffee in my to go cup( she doesn't move when I get coffee in an inside cup). Her seeing me get dressed, put my boots on, grab my gloves and or hat, all of that will do it, She hears or see's it and she knows I am going out the front door. These days she ha to be close to hear or see you, age is really getting to her, but, she's my shadow, and pays attention pretty good when I am inside.
We have a central alarm system and when a door or window is opened the system chimes. I can come home from work “beep” the door, put my stuff down, hang my bag on the hook right over where she sleeps, lay down in front of her and tap her on the nose while she sleeps. Only then does she wake.

but god forbid I jingle her leash or open any food product that’s in a plastic bag.
I am convinced our Aussie can hear me slip my shoes on to sneak outside from a deep sleep two rooms away. She also can tell when we're all leaving the house and goes straight to her crate.

Our 14-yo lab/hound mix definitely hears the leashes from a deep sleep two rooms away, even if he sometimes struggles to get his hind legs going to join us. He used to come find me when he heard me tear the top off a banana, but now he just lies in the kitchen floor so he doesn't miss out.
Our mutt hears my boots hit the floor and goes to the door. If she's out and I can't find her, I just crank up a truck. She will be there shortly. Car doors wake her up in a heartbeat.
Man, one really comes running when you open up a bag of almonds. I think he rather have them than steak. All three love hearing the ice maker being used and come for some ice.
My 2yo lab will come flying when i pick up my 4 wheeler key and will be in the bed room asleep 30 foot away and it doesn't make any noise it is a rubber coated key on a lanyard. She love's to go for a ride.
Cellophane or plastic rattle
fridge door open
cabinet doors open
He's getting old so he don't hear as much these days.
The mals can hear a box truck or amazon van a half mile away. Treat bags probably 2 miles if the wind is blowing right. The old black mutt dog only hears food related noises. Literally nothing else.