I've been doing good as far as staying moving. At work (desk Job) I try to stand at least half the day and when I do sit, After about 20 min or so, I get up and walk around. I exercise in the morning after the wife and daughter has left. Jumping jacks, sit ups, lunges, planks, and stretching. been off sodas for probably a year or more except for the occasional rum and coke. Drinking 4-5 20oz cups of water throughout the day at work. been introducing more fruit in my diet as of lately... walking at night. trying to get my wife to get on board with me and us come up with a routine we do every night.
My only issue that I struggle with is food. My wife already has dietary restrictions and add a picky 6 year old, it makes it difficult to plan out meals.
If I could eliminate one or two things from my diet that would really benefit my family and I, what should it be?