What is important in life?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2008
Toys are toys, life sucks, family comes first, ready to trade my wife in for a younger hotter model, it's not going to happen (she will take half my stuff).

to be able to come home to the one you married and talk about BS from the day, most important part of my life is my son and keeping him into everything .
Kids, wife, rest of the family, in that order. Don't think I'll ever look back and wish I had worked more or spent less time home.

You are setting your future self up for happiness now.

On the younger model... much like cars, the cheapest one is the one you already have.
I married my best friend. We both attribute that gift to God. So we place HIM first, then each other second. I place her wants and desires above my own, but she does the same, so we're both equally spoiled. Nothing comes between us, ESPECIALLY the kids. They know they fall 3rd.
4th is friends we have CHOSEN
5th is family not in our household. The ones you're obligated to love
6th is work and livelihood. If it starts creeping up the list we have to keep each other in check
The rest is stuff that we don't invest heavily in, but are aware is happening
"To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"

Hookers and blow! Duh.

But seriously, as most above said, Family first all else is just distractions.

Had a terrible phone call Thursday night about some extended family stuff, and my 5 year old son could tell I was shaken up.

The empathy my son showed me was one of the strongest feelings of unconditional love I think I’ve ever felt.
God is First, and should be, because none of this matters if we don't "make the cut" and hear the words "well done good and faithful servant!" Love God with all your heart, your mind and your soul and Love one another the way I have loved you is my focus and what keeps me driven. The rest is....the rest! This life is temporal, only matters how we obey our Lord and how we walk out our salvation day to day...being kind, loving, sharing, helping, and sincere...being a "doer of the word" and walk the walk not just talk the talk like too many in society do.
What's NOT important in life: don't be a man-pleaser. This includes trying to please people, my spouse, my kids and friends beyond trying to please God. People will always disappoint, even family but God will not let us down!!
Gettings lots of Likes on NC4x4.

Also: oxygen.
Right now life is pretty hard and getting harder. I only have my Parents and extended family. God hates me. And moving to a new place means no friends. I'm an only child and I'll never be able to have my own family.
I been struggling with that question for some time now.
I'm 34 years old. I have a sister that's two years and two months younger than I. She has two children in an unhappy marriage in every way but at face value. Family portaits paint a happy new generation of love and hope, but in real life, it's a day by day struggle. My sister and I are tight. We always have been. Some say ESP doesn't exist, but we can prove them very wrong. She had children accidentally during a backyard marriage forced unto by a shitty home life and a dream to make it better. She never once stopped to ask herself the question; "have I accomplished enough in life to earn the right to bring into this world more life?". Her meaning for life is two little girls aged 8 and 2. Heather and Heidi. My two nieces.
I don't have children yet. Call it depression, low self esteem, or just blame it on my lack of maturity or history of drug/alcohol addictions, but I've always felt as though I am unworthy to bring new life into this world. Some may argue otherwise, but coming from my upbringing of resentment, weakness and guilt, it is implanted in my brain to feel unworthy. I have a lot of things I must fix. First and foremost, that is myself. My meaning of life is be better than I was yesterday. If I am to create a superhuman offspring capable of conquering every hurdle life shall throw them, then I must prove that I myself can.
I have no idea what it will take to survive in the next 30 years. I owe it only to faith, hard work and luck that I am still living today. I honestly fear for the younger generation. All I can do is show them what has kept me alive, and hope it is enough.
If my only real accomplishment in life is encouragement and inspiration for those who are willing to listen and learn, then all that is left to do is wish them the best of luck. As for right now, I am not yet ready to have children.
God hates me.
God hates no one brother, loves us all sinners equally till His Son returns. We all have a fair chance till then so keep your head up, keep your eyes on Him, give Him credit and regard and day to day live for Him accepting Jesus's love and forgiveness. In the meantime, I'm here if you need someone to talk with and listen and maybe make a friend.
I'm 34 years old. I have a sister that's two years and two months younger than I. She has two children in an unhappy marriage in every way but at face value. Family portaits paint a happy new generation of love and hope, but in real life, it's a day by day struggle. My sister and I are tight. We always have been. Some say ESP doesn't exist, but we can prove them very wrong. She had children accidentally during a backyard marriage forced unto by a shitty home life and a dream to make it better. She never once stopped to ask herself the question; "have I accomplished enough in life to earn the right to bring into this world more life?". Her meaning for life is two little girls aged 8 and 2. Heather and Heidi. My two nieces.
I don't have children yet. Call it depression, low self esteem, or just blame it on my lack of maturity or history of drug/alcohol addictions, but I've always felt as though I am unworthy to bring new life into this world. Some may argue otherwise, but coming from my upbringing of resentment, weakness and guilt, it is implanted in my brain to feel unworthy. I have a lot of things I must fix. First and foremost, that is myself. My meaning of life is be better than I was yesterday. If I am to create a superhuman offspring capable of conquering every hurdle life shall throw them, then I must prove that I myself can.
I have no idea what it will take to survive in the next 30 years. I owe it only to faith, hard work and luck that I am still living today. I honestly fear for the younger generation. All I can do is show them what has kept me alive, and hope it is enough.
If my only real accomplishment in life is encouragement and inspiration for those who are willing to listen and learn, then all that is left to do is wish them the best of luck. As for right now, I am not yet ready to have children.
Hang in there buddy, keep pressing on one day at a time, give it your best to God and the rest He will do. There's no luck in this life, only Devine appointments and opportunities to do His will, do our best and represent His kingdom for those around us to inspire and encourage and enlighten those he brings our way.
I don't have children yet. Call it depression, low self esteem, or just blame it on my lack of maturity or history of drug/alcohol addictions, but I've always felt as though I am unworthy to bring new life into this world. Some may argue otherwise, but coming from my upbringing of resentment, weakness and guilt, it is implanted in my brain to feel unworthy. I have a lot of things I must fix. First and foremost, that is myself. My meaning of life is be better than I was yesterday. If I am to create a superhuman offspring capable of conquering every hurdle life shall throw them, then I must prove that I myself can....

Having children is not a gauge of how successful you are as a human being, or of your level of maturity. Not having children is not a sign of weakness, failure, etc. Sure, you're going against societal norms, but that only matters if you care about such things. If you want children, have children; you're still young and have lots of time to do so later if you so decide. It's a personal and rather permanent decision. Make the decision that is right for you.
Also, if everyone waited to have children until they had their shit together and had life figured out, no one would actually have children.

I don't have kids, and won't have kids, and never felt like having kids, and my level of caring about other people's opinions about that is non-existent. I don't feel like a partial human, or that I'm somehow missing out on something because I don't have kids.
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This is one of those questions i know the answer to, but do a terrible job remembering it:

1) God
2) wife
3) children
4) parents/siblings
5) friends/enjoying life in general
6) work

Often times 6 seems to take precedent, even though the wife constantly tells me to take time for myself. I used to justify it as the tool to donate to the church, provide a life for my wife and kids, send my parents on vacations, etc. etc. This year, I made a resolution to stop and smell the roses. Sadly, it’s been a struggle, and even as recently as this week, my 3.5 year old had to ask me if I’d be home in time to brush her teeth before bed. And usually, it takes a comment like that to shock my system and re-evaluate life again.
Having children is not a gauge of how successful you are as a human being, or of your level of maturity. Not having children is not a sign of weakness, failure, etc. Sure, you're going against societal norms, but that only matters if you care about such things. If you want children, have children; you're still young and have lots of time to do so later if you so decide. It's a personal and rather permanent decision. Make the decision that is right for you.
Also, if everyone waited to have children until they had their shit together and had life figured out, no one would actually have children.

I don't have kids, and won't have kids, and never felt like having kids, and my level of caring about other people's opinions about that is non-existent. I don't feel like a partial human, or that I'm somehow missing out on something because I don't have kids.
X2. I have 2 kids and it is worth the stress and headache, but it's not for everyone. You can make a difference in the future without having kids. Sometimes being the cool uncle that teaches them about life and happiness can shape their future more than you know.
Call it depression, low self esteem, or just blame it on my lack of maturity or history of drug/alcohol addictions, but I've always felt as though I am unworthy to bring new life into this world. Some may argue otherwise, but coming from my upbringing of resentment, weakness and guilt, it is implanted in my brain to feel unworthy. I have a lot of things I must fix.
If I may encourage you a little...I met my wife when I was 22, she had 4 kids that I had no clue of how to be a stepfather to. I had only been clean for 2 yrs of my horrible history of drug/violence problem (18felonies,14misdemeanors LOL) but God gave me a second chance that most people don't get when I was facing all that prison time. He blessed me with this family and it taught me more than I could ever ask for. Talk about feeling like a looser and "unworthy"!!??!!...man oh man oh man. Raising all 5 kids (we had one) was stupid hard since nobody and I mean NOBODY wanted to hire this looser. Didn't matter that my work ethic was top notch or any of that stuff, I couldn't even get a job as a bagger lol, life sucked on that aspect but God always sent people our way to keep us going and to keep me making some swort of finances...that's where and why I started working for myself since nobody would give me a job. So I've been there feeling like you do but I promise don't let the enemy win with those thoughts and feelings. When I learned to leave the past where it belongs and accept the person I am no matter what others say or think, that's when I started being better and growing in my walk of faith and love and growth!
Right now life is pretty hard and getting harder. I only have my Parents and extended family. God hates me. And moving to a new place means no friends. I'm an only child and I'll never be able to have my own family.
I been struggling with that question for some time now.
Not to derail the thread, but a couple points from someone who is going through some major life transitions:
1. If you know how or what God feels, please start your own religion. Because you're the only one. Just my .02 bucks from Catholic church and some pretty crappy places. But God is bigger than a person. Don't try to make him that simple. Personally, I don't put God first. If I put the other stuff in balance and do what The Good book says, I figure he comes out on top in the end.
2. You've got friends everywhere you go. You just haven't met them yet. I say that after moving every one to two years for the last 24 years of my life.
3. Recently, when I went through a pretty rough day of moving my wife's stuff out in a u-haul. There were some pretty great people that I had never met in person before. I headed out to link up with them. Sat around a campfire sipping on clear liquid and realized life is only going up from here...

So, if life ain't good now, the good news is you can change it going forward. Don't get paralyzed into thinking you're stuck with what you've got.
Mine are a little different I guess, No kids for me, never wanted any. Gave my best years and to my country, paid the prices with my health, mentally and physically.
Loving my wife and my Family( family doesn't nessecary mean blood), honoring God and the ones that didn't come home by giving back all I can.
Build Jeeps
Make memories
Other family

Work and wheeling go back and forth for which is more important. Can’t have wheeling without work, and can’t unwind from work without wheeling. I literally can’t explain how much wheeling means to me. Mostly cause the people I do it with. I spend most of my time with my family and working, I don’t have other hobbies cause I choose to focus my spare time and money solely on wheeling. I also admit I let my love of wheeling move to the top of my list sometimes. It’s a struggle.

Notice I put friends in front of “other family”. I have some family I have to deal with and care for to some degree. But I have friends that look after me, and me them by choice and no other ties or expectations and that means more to me.
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Not to derail the thread, but a couple points from someone who is going through some major life transitions:
1. If you know how or what God feels, please start your own religion. Because you're the only one. Just my .02 bucks from Catholic church and some pretty crappy places. But God is bigger than a person. Don't try to make him that simple. Personally, I don't put God first. If I put the other stuff in balance and do what The Good book says, I figure he comes out on top in the end.
2. You've got friends everywhere you go. You just haven't met them yet. I say that after moving every one to two years for the last 24 years of my life.
3. Recently, when I went through a pretty rough day of moving my wife's stuff out in a u-haul. There were some pretty great people that I had never met in person before. I headed out to link up with them. Sat around a campfire sipping on clear liquid and realized life is only going up from here...

So, if life ain't good now, the good news is you can change it going forward. Don't get paralyzed into thinking you're stuck with what you've got.


I guess I only know how God treats me. I'm not going to start a religion for that. I wouldn't have many followers.

I can't really get into details and wouldn't want to here.

Covid makes it pretty hard to meet people socially. And I'm unemployed right now. So I'm going a bit stir crazy home alone.
I guess I only know how God treats me.
I only want to add: Don't make the mistake that too many people make by saying "God treats me" or "He did/does/didn't do...." because there is an evil power that has authority over this "current world" and that evil power has his own army working around the clock to "kill, seek and destroy.." as Word says, so we must fight off that enemy everyday and be prepared. Bad things happen to good people, evil is among us everywhere, evil rules this current world but "Time is Short" here vs eternity, and sooner than later God Wins and so do all of His followers who have tried, persevered, tested, ridiculed and suffered the pain and burdens of this world till that day comes. I'm not saying that I can answer every question of "why this and why that" but what I do know is what God's word tells us and He tells us everything that I've stated in this paragraph. Too many people blame God for so much stuff without actually reading/studying His word on the matter which at the least, answers a lot of questions mentioned here...I am not saying it's easy to accept either, some of this I don't always accept so willingly lol, but in our flawed state we cannot understand the full mystery of God until we are together with Him....(quoted)
God treats everyone equally, that is biblical!! We ALL have a fair chance to accept His Love and Forgiveness through His Son Jesus as Savior and to walk out our salvation to the best of our abilities according to His word...not according to what some pastor or church says either.

I guess I only know how God treats me. I'm not going to start a religion for that. I wouldn't have many followers.

I can't really get into details and wouldn't want to here.

Covid makes it pretty hard to meet people socially. And I'm unemployed right now. So I'm going a bit stir crazy home alone.
It sounds like you've got some rough terrain and obstacles in your life right now.

I will say that God, fate, and the Great Pumpkin have conspired against me a few times in life to deny me things that I spent years working for. And almost without exception, I've looked back and said "thank you". Because I'm happier the way things worked out. Hopefully, you'll be able to do the same one day.

As for getting out and meeting people in life with COVID, you're on the right track. Is seems like going virtual and meeting people is the best way to go. Then just find events and opportunities to meet folks IRL. I will say that having recently started dating again, people are really tired of being shut in and they WANT to be out meeting new people and making new friends.

Hang in there and keep moving forward.