I'm 34 years old. I have a sister that's two years and two months younger than I. She has two children in an unhappy marriage in every way but at face value. Family portaits paint a happy new generation of love and hope, but in real life, it's a day by day struggle. My sister and I are tight. We always have been. Some say ESP doesn't exist, but we can prove them very wrong. She had children accidentally during a backyard marriage forced unto by a shitty home life and a dream to make it better. She never once stopped to ask herself the question; "have I accomplished enough in life to earn the right to bring into this world more life?". Her meaning for life is two little girls aged 8 and 2. Heather and Heidi. My two nieces.
I don't have children yet. Call it depression, low self esteem, or just blame it on my lack of maturity or history of drug/alcohol addictions, but I've always felt as though I am unworthy to bring new life into this world. Some may argue otherwise, but coming from my upbringing of resentment, weakness and guilt, it is implanted in my brain to feel unworthy. I have a lot of things I must fix. First and foremost, that is myself. My meaning of life is be better than I was yesterday. If I am to create a superhuman offspring capable of conquering every hurdle life shall throw them, then I must prove that I myself can.
I have no idea what it will take to survive in the next 30 years. I owe it only to faith, hard work and luck that I am still living today. I honestly fear for the younger generation. All I can do is show them what has kept me alive, and hope it is enough.
If my only real accomplishment in life is encouragement and inspiration for those who are willing to listen and learn, then all that is left to do is wish them the best of luck. As for right now, I am not yet ready to have children.