What is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

We lived in a house where a guy had committed suicide. I was a little fart and don't really remember it it, but my late mother always told told a story that I told her one morning that there was a red headed man sitting on the foot of my bed with his his head in his has hands like he was in deep thought.
When she told the neighbor, she freaked out and said the guy that had lived there and killed himself had red hair and sat around with his his head head down like he was thinking all the time and had curly red hair.
Guess I must have been in his room. Hate I don't remember it.i do remember the way the neighbor reacted though. She was really freaked out.
Odd, the parts you remember and parts you don't.
My Dad was a Pastor. When I was 4 we moved from NC to WV for him to take a church.
The church parsonage had a fence with a gate, a long sidewalk with one step about halfway and
the front parch had a set of 10 or more steps.
My sis had the front bedroom, beside the porch and woke up a few times screaming, she eventually refused to sleep there.
It was never my room but I did sleep there occasionally .....
At night we would hear the gate squeak open and closed, footsteps on the sidewalk like a little girls skipping along, stop and make the step up, then skip to the porch.
Then very heavy old man foot steps up the steps to the porch ...... looked out several times and never saw anyone.

Early 80's ... Coon hunting with 3 friends and one of the Dads who owned the dogs.
We were in a patch of woods along a creek bottom in an area I had squirrel hunted and stopped to listen for the dogs and I leaned up on a rock.
It was very smooth ... turned out to be a tombstone. We turned our lights on and realized we were in an old cemetery.
All of us lived with in 3 miles of here and no one knew it was here.
Talked to a friend who lived about 100 yards away up the hill and he said there wasn't one there, so we went looking for it ..... NEVER found it again.

My mom died in the house we live in now. Our dog was her little buddy when he was a puppy and either followed her every step or watched her every move.
He routinely raises his head as acts as if he is watching someone walk through our house. he also walks to her old room, looks in and wags his tail or just stares down the hallway.

A couple of weeks ago I'm in bed and I hear my wife walk in and get ready for bed. She sets her drink down on the headboard and keeps messing around.
Finally I raise up to tell her to be quiet and I am alone in the room.

A week later, getting ready to take a shower, I hang the washcloth and towel on the shower curtain rod.
While shaving before my shower, in the mirror, I see the washcloth fall off the curtain rod. When I turn around to pick it up I can't find it.
Look up to see it back on the curtain rod.

Just a few .....

About 15 years ago, I lived in an old shitty rental house. At the time I had my old trusty dog Jake. He was a German Shepard/Pit mix. He was awesome and protective. Sometimes during the day, but mainly at night his hair would stand on end, and he would growl at closed doors like something was on the other side. He would stand at the beginning of the hallway and growl towards the other end of the house. If I went to investigate he would sometimes back away. I used to sleep with my bedroom door closed. He slept on the bed with me. I'd wake up to him in a full point on the bedroom door, with his hair up and growling like something was on the other side. I never saw or heard anything, but something always had Jake stirred up. We moved, and he never acted like that again.
Two more stories of the house in England.

My step sister came for a visit. The morning after her first night she came down for breakfast and said the blinking red light in the corner was annoying. And asked what it was. My mom said it was the motion sensor for the alarm system. And that it was probably coming in each time she moved. Sis said she was laying dead still.

In that same room, my dogs would randomly jump up on the bed and bark at the wall above the headboard. There was nothing we could see up there. But they'd bark at it.
My house was built in '43 or '53 depending on which document you are looking at. In the '70's, "Carl" who built the house and ran his construction business out of it, went through hard times with the recession and shot and killed himself in the attic. I bought it in '96. From the moment I moved in I always saw streaks and flashes out of the corners of my eyes and heard things a lot. I expected there was a ghost. Months down the road my exwive locked the keys in our new Tahoe with my infant son inside of it and it was running so there was no way to fish the locks with the automatic locking doors, at least that's what the Fire Chief said. We were only a couple blocks from the house so a firefighter ran me home to get the spare key. Just that day I had put up a key rack because exwife always lost all of our keys. The main key that I put on there was the Tahoe key so I new right where it was. Firefighter and me come in the house and I look on the little rack and there's no Tahoe key. I take it off the wall and dump the spare keys on the table and it's not there. When I dumped keys on table, I put the rack back on the wall.
We went back to the Tahoe and broke a window to get inside and to my son.
We came home directly after and once in the house we look at the key rack on the wall and the Tahoe key is hanging on the rack and it was seemed almost illuminated as in "here it is"!
That's when I knew I had a ghost.
Glad this post is up, I'll share more as time allows.
One time I was under the hood of my k5 and all of a sudden I had the feeling to shit so bad but couldnt get out from under the hood. I felt the turd slide down pants leg. Once I was able to get out from under the hood, I went inside and apologized to my wife and left my pants outside and went to take the rest of my shit. My wife came to me and said "I thought you said you shit your pants?" It turned out it was just a really thick fart, creepy huh?
When I was a kid my great grandmother died she was a mean old bitch. My parents moved a lot of the stuff that was in her house into the guest room of our house. In the middle of the night we would wake up to the tv blaring and all the lights would be on in that room . After a week of this my mom moved it all out of the house never happened again. Guess she was still wanting to raise some hell.
I'm a huge believer in paranormal activity. Always have been. I've seen the apparitions, I've had the de ja vue...I know those can be dismissed as simple imagination, but there was one big physical manifestation that happened frequently. 2 apartments I stayed in at UT had those old school dial faced mailboxes. An uncle of mine was a huge UT fan, and also a mailman. Anyway, when I'd head in to the mailroom to get my mail, dials on the mailboxes would start going crazy and clinking...not spinning, but bouncing back and forth, left to right to make noise. At first I thought it was probably just vacuum from different door orientations, so I start asking friends and the front desk people to keep an eye out. Never happened with them. So without going in to too much detail and seeming like a real psycho, I remembered some stuff I had read, while in the mailroom made a request for the apparition to reveal itself...sure as shit, it was my uncle William. Which I know can be dismissed by seeing what I wanted to see, but again, the clinking of the dials never happened with anyone else. So I chalk it up to my uncle just letting me know of his presence and saying hello.
In that same room, my dogs would randomly jump up on the bed and bark at the wall above the headboard. There was nothing we could see up there. But they'd bark at it.

We had that same problem at our first house we bought. Spooked is pretty bad. Turns out, it was just mice running around in the attic that we couldn't hear or see. It the dog could. Got rid of the mice and it didn't happen again. Boy were we relieved!
One of the best stories I like to share about "Carl" is when my wife and I were dating. I had told her about Carl but so far she had not witnessed anything major. We were sitting in the den and she was using my laptop and the battery died so she set it down on the ottoman and in a few seconds (from the laptop) you could hear two little girls giggling and talking and it sounded like they were on a playground, it was a whole lot like the movie Poltergeist where the little girl is stuck in the TV. Wife absolutely freaked out, ran and jumped in the bed and covered her body and head under the covers crying!:p
I was laughing so hard and it didn't help matters at all! I went back and checked that laptop and it was completely dead, I couldn't get a light or anything to come on.
Before I started dating my wife I was kind of dating this girl who liked to call herself "spiritual" but not in a Godly sort of way. She was a bit weird to say the least. She said was in tune with the spirit world and was a "healer". She stayed over maybe three weekends or at least a night here and there. Always after about a day she would not be feeling well and even missed work on Mondays a couple of times. She said she was always sick after leaving and it would take a few days to get better. After about the third time she was talking to me about it and I told her it was probably because I had a ghost in the house and he didn't like her. It freaked her out and she talked to her "spiritual" advisor and she warned her to never come back because she was in grave danger!
Probably the best thing Carl ever did for me!:D
A few years ago somehow a conversation had came up between a few family members that where staying at our house about my great aunt that had passed years back. My mom and others where jokingly talking about how they always thought she was a witch when they where kids, and about how mean she was.
That night, in the middle of the night there was a loud crashing noise that woke up everyone in the house. We all ran downstairs to see what the noise was. We had a picture of my great aunt that had been hanging above our piano for years, and it just so happened to come crashing down behind our piano that night.

Not the creepiest thing ever, but it seemed awfully coincidental.
^^^^^^ will you for once get with the program and join in a thread with meaningful input...

you doin allright in Clinton?
don't listen to this bullshit. the internet was built for horseassery.
What? There's porn on the internet? Why am I always the last to know these things?

When I was a kid we played with a ouija board a few times....

I messed with one of those once in college. I kept saying how easy it is to manipulate it. For the first little bit I tried to move the piece to spell out what I wanted to, it worked pretty well. Everyone was freaking out until I told them I messed with it. I stopped for the next round and let it take its course. We asked it if anyone was there - "Yes". Are you alive? - "No". How did you die? - "suffocation". No shit, the word suffocation was spelled out entirely. It seemed so odd to me that someone would be manipulating it and spell out that word rather than "choke" or something. We asked where it died - "Gardner". That was an actual dorm on campus (App State). We asked what room and it told us a number or something like that. I looked it up to see if anything had happened, and sure enough someone had actually died years ago under suspicious circumstances in Gardner Hall from suffocation from what I recall. It really creeped me out and I'll never mess with one of those again.
Someone we know died last year. Today is her birthday, and people are posting things on her Facebook page like "happy birthday, hope your day is great" and "happy birthday, hope you have a great year."

I'll let you know if she replies.
No ghosts,spirits or boogie men but when I was younger I would be in places,that were completely new to me,but they looked and felt familiar,like I had been there before and had first hand knowledge of what was gonna happen next.I still dream at night and often have real vivid dreams,so much so that Ill wake up thinking that I'm still in that setting.
I messed with one of those once in college. I kept saying how easy it is to manipulate it. For the first little bit I tried to move the piece to spell out what I wanted to, it worked pretty well. Everyone was freaking out until I told them I messed with it. I stopped for the next round and let it take its course. We asked it if anyone was there - "Yes". Are you alive? - "No". How did you die? - "suffocation". No shit, the word suffocation was spelled out entirely. It seemed so odd to me that someone would be manipulating it and spell out that word rather than "choke" or something. We asked where it died - "Gardner". That was an actual dorm on campus (App State). We asked what room and it told us a number or something like that. I looked it up to see if anything had happened, and sure enough someone had actually died years ago under suspicious circumstances in Gardner Hall from suffocation from what I recall. It really creeped me out and I'll never mess with one of those again.
A buddy of mine had one.We use to always sit around his place and get drunk since his parents didn't care,they just made you hand over your keys.Anyway he got to where he wanted to play it when we were drinking,I didn't want any part of it and would get a ride and leave or not go at all.I never saw anything first hand but they had some real wild ass stories to tell and strange things happen.