What is your biggest pet peeve?

Today it is a Registered, Stamp toting, Professional ELECTRICAL Engineer that doesn't understand the definition of normally open and normally closed, or the differentiation between a Normally Closed contact and a Normally Closed circuit.
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These kids who drive around in these $40k-50k vehicles that daddy bought. And act like they deserve it.

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People; who under no circumstances what so ever, cannot communicate without being a sarcastic smart ass at all times. Intelligence is not measured by your assumed ability to one up someone by babbling off subject, or being a buffoon. Your amusement in trying to be amusing at all times is not amusing to me.
Please just shut the fuck up.
Being late
People who constantly "check in" to see if I'm done with their ______ I'm working on.
Potential vendors who won't return a phone call
People who are oblivious to what/ who is around them (i.e.- the lady pushing a cart through the center of each isle at Aldi on my lunch break today)
When your bidness partner sends to a text to say...you might want these...

People not paying attention to what is going on around them. This can mean texting drivers, not getting up to speed on on ramps, grocery stores/Walmart, etc.

In my world, that shit will get you killed. Situational awareness. Im always checking my 5s and 25s (it's a military thing).
and CHEWING ICE!!!!!! dammit just stop

Lol. I chew ice, every piece, in every drink I get! :D

I can't stand it when a text conversation begins, a question is asked, I respond, but get ZERO response for like 45 minutes! Common! We were just talking. WTF??? OK. Fine, I'll order and pick up the pizza on my way home from work that I want and you'll have to suffer with the mushrooms because you can't respond to a text, knowing I'm on my 1hr commute home! :flipoff2:

(No this is not about my wife! :lol: )
People who are oblivious to what/ who is around them (i.e.- the lady pushing a cart through the center of each isle at Aldi on my lunch break today)

Never travel ANYWHERE then...Just spent the last 3 days at fucking Disneyland for a show and trying to walk between the convention center and the hotel was a nightmare. Families walking eleventeen wide everywhere and slow as shit. I get it when you're in the park, but dafug you need to stare at the side of a hotel or a parking lot for? This also applies to airports. You would think that the masses have never traveled anywhere.

Biggest pet peeve (of the day)...not planning my travel home appropriately and sitting in McCarran while the Mint400 parade goes on just a few miles away. :mad:
Another fine example of something that really irritates me I saw today: Irrational fear.

Stop using it as a crutch, overcome the fear, and make it a priority to be completely fearless by the day you die. Highly unlikely you'll reach that goal and if you die trying to, atleast you saw it coming.
know it alls!
I can't stand it when somebody says/acts like they can do something, but then when you count on them to get it done they say "I've never done this before" :kaioken:
Idiots who don't learn their lesson.
Empty Liquor bottles.

Secret holes without room for more bodies.
The inability to answer the question, "What do you want to eat?"
That's easy,the answer is.
"It doesn't matter to me" and "whatever you want"