what kind of snake is this?

Looking at the link I put up, it looks like a rat snake to me. Also per the link, the adult size is 42-103 inches. That has potential to be a big ass snake. Big, ugly, and completely harmless unless you're a copperhead baby, rat, mouse or a lizard. Let it live and do it's job.
King snake
non poisonous
LOVE rats and other snakes

leave it alone
Here is the answer from son of snakeman:
Adolescent black rat snake, looks to be about a year old. They (like all ratsnakes) have a blotched pattern when they are juviniles and change to a uniform black color as they get older. By age 2 or 3 they're typically 2-2.5 feet long and are solid black.

If he says that's what it is, it is. His dad has been into snakes since way before it was cool. They generally have 30-40 various snakes around their house in labeled cages, and are always going out snakehunting, or to peoples houses to pick up "copperheads" that are rarely copperheads.
Target snake.

Which quickly become dead snake around my house.

"Aquiring target.......BOOM!.....dead snake."

Matt :rolleyes:
I don't think it is a copperhead, their heads are always wdier than their "neck", so I don't think it is venemous, so let 'er be is what I say.
cobra, definitly! seen one on tv before. its a cobra! seriously, though, son of snakemans right, young black ratsnake. they have same patterns as their cousins (pine snakes and corn snakes) but pattern fades as they mature. ive had several.
One Eyed Spitting snake....
trouser snake
I see where this is going...:flipoff2:

I had no intention of killing it, just wanted to confirm it wasnt poisonous. I was really surprised to see a patterned snake in my own front yard. I wonder if I'll ever see him again or if it will get older and wiser and takeoff.
There are only 6 venomous snakes in NC 3 of which are in the rattle snake family.

Canebrake, Pigmy, Eastern Diamond back are the rattlers

Coral, Copper head and Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) are the other poisonous.

All have a distinctive Diamond shaped Head, Up pointed nose, except the Coral snake, but the coral snake has the Yellow, Red, Black bands around it. Red on Yellow, Kill a fellow, Red on Black, Friend of Jack.

I'm not certain what it is, but it looks like a corn snake or rat snake....

agreed, from the photos, the head in particular, certainly doesn't look poisons.
cool snake indeed.
I like playing smush-the-rattler at URE, but leave the rest alone.
I'm with the guy's that are glad you didn't kill it. I used to carry black snakes into the office were I used to work. The office ladies would go bezerk!:lol::lol::lol:
......... he had slithered along the foundation and eventually down a crack between the bricks and where the clay-dirt had dried and pulled away from the foundation.

The yard is one thing....but when they get in the house, they die.
Dude, this one is gonna be in your house. It's getting cold and he don't like it....he;s gonna look for the nearest heat....your house.

The yard is one thing....but when they get in the house, they die.
Dude, this one is gonna be in your house. It's getting cold and he don't like it....he;s gonna look for the nearest heat....your house.

As are the mice and rats around the house. It'll be good for him to have something to snack on while he's down there. I say let him be.
The yard is one thing....but when they get in the house, they die.
Dude, this one is gonna be in your house. It's getting cold and he don't like it....he;s gonna look for the nearest heat....your house.


Arent snakes coldblooded?

Either way - we had one in our house last week (well 2 actually - one got its head cut off) and after research it turned out to be a Ratsnake. I hate we killed it cause those are good snakes.. but no snakes are good when they are in the house. The other one was a blacksnack but the sucker got away... so we plugged the hole he (hopefully) came in through... Hope we wont be seeing anymore, i got some mothballs to take care of that. :bounce2:
its a rat snake, they are grey and black and harmless
I saw a dead copperhead at Harlan last week. It was apparently slow crossing the entrance to Mason Jar. It got squished. Before anyone calls BS, it truely was a copperhead. Triangular shaped head with high, rearset jaws. I'm glad it was already dead so I didn't have to do it. The trails at Harlan is the last place I would want to get bit by a venomous snake, especially Mason Jar. It'a a frigging haul from the entrance back to town.
Man, I wish you would have brought it home...I have always wanted to mount a Copphead. Beautiful snake and i dont have the heart to hunt one down because they are getting harder to find
Man, I wish you would have brought it home...I have always wanted to mount a Copphead. Beautiful snake and i dont have the heart to hunt one down because they are getting harder to find

Come to lake wylie, we have plenty of moccasins and copperheads to go around!
Man, I wish you would have brought it home...I have always wanted to mount a Copphead. Beautiful snake and i dont have the heart to hunt one down because they are getting harder to find
This made me LOL! This snake was only about 12" long. You'd have a tough time mounting it.