Sitting in 12th grade science. Started watching within 5 minutes of the first plane, when the news was still reporting it was a small plane. Watch the second plane hit live and was filled with fury and sadness. That evening I watched the celebration on the streets in the middle east and was filled with anger and hate.
I was at the eye doctor, trying to learn how to put contacts in. I never did learn how. The next day I was sent to DC to take a portable cell tower up there. I rode right by the Pentagon.
Never forget....
God bless the USA
freshman in high school, teachers wouldn't let us see the news so i had to wait till lunch to figure anything out....was actually in the middle of fooling around with a girl in the janitors closet when i heard people talking about it out in the hall.
A day or so afterwards, my boss called a team meeting. He was in the the Reserve or the Guard (I can't remember which). I remember part of the monologue he gave (in his Jamaican accent), he said he was volunteering to be deployed, because the terrorists hit us in our front yard and now it was personal!
I worked for Ingersoll-Rand, sitting in my little "office" when someone said there had been a crash at wtc. When I got to the tv the second plane hit. I had just had my daughter in January and remember thinking how could I bring a child into this crazy world. God Bless those who died.
When I got home I remember how quiet the skies where, I guess the whole country was quiet.
I was actually sleeping in that morning. My wife called me from work and told me to turn on the TV. I asked her, "what channel?" She said it didn't matter. The world hasn't been the same since.
I was living in FL at the time. Just walk into my office from the shop floor and one of the office gals said did you here the news? I said what news and she told me. I was thinking a small plane accident until I pulled it up on the net. Was in dis-belief. After the second one hit and everthing happened, I let the plant know and gave them the option of going home. Once I got home, we were all glued to the TV and could not believe what had happened as well as trying to explain to the kids. Then my youngest daughter tapped me on the shoulder and said "happy anniversary daddy" My heart sunk even lower as I had totally, totally forgot is was our 19th wedding anniversary and did not say anything to the wife. But as I tried to appologize, she said, there are way more important things to worry about at this time. Like the others stated, remember it like it was yesterday. And yes today is #26 for us.
My wife's grandmother worked at the Pentagon when this happened. She was OK as she worked on the other side of the building. Shortly after this she decided to retire
I was on the job ereccting steel at Dale Jarrett's racing souvineer shop when a guy came running across the parking lot screaming those SOB's just bombed the twin towers. My crew didn't know what to think. We always played jokes on one another but nothing like this. I sure wish to this day that it was just a horrible joke instead of being reality.
I was actually woken up by my wife calling me from work and telling me the news. At the time I was working the night shift on Marine Corps Air Station New River, NC. I turned on the TV just in time to watch the second plane hit. I can't tell you how pissed I was. I had only been this pissed a few times before. I was also shocked, just like when I was at home for lunch at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC when I watched the shuttle blow up. I can never forget those 2 moments in my life. I will never be able to explain the shock or the patriotism that I felt after those incidents. After 9/11, I knew that I would be going to war yet once again. I actually went into work after watching about 30 minutes of TV and helped the rest of the Marines in the squadron get our helicopters ready to provide any relief missions that we would be tasked with. But with all of the air restrictions, we were never called. We were definitely ready though. Semper Fi to all of our brothers and sisters that were lost in this tragedy!!! Just remember, Heavens gates are guarded by the Marines and no terrorist will ever get past them!!!!!!
I was sitting in class and a girl had left class for something and came back and told us that a plane had hit the bank of america tower in uptown charlotte. We turned on the news just after the 2nd tower was hit. We watched it all unfold on the news all day.
I had recently entered terminal leave from the USMC and was laying on the couch trying to get the energy to go to the gym. Two days later I got a call from Uncle Sam to tell me that they were missing me and I needed to go back and visit for another year. good times.
I was replacing the front brakes on a silver BMW 528. The dispatcher came back and told me a plane had hit the WTC. I thought oh, a small plane had an accident. Then he came back a few minutes later and said another one had hit the other building. I watched as the first tower fell live. Pretty subdued day at work that day.
I was loading a truck full of American Greetings displays when some woman called Lex and Terry and said a plane just flew into the WTC. They chewed her ass for telling such an upsurd story. Later they called her back and apologized. Then we all sit there on the docks and watched both towers collapse. Was so surreal, still get chills seeing it replayed.
I was sitting in a high school history class when mr. meadows the principal came busting in and turned the tv on and started talking about how WWIII had just started we didnt leave school but watched it in every class. Crazy shit. God bless the USA
At school, didn't really hear much about it all day until I got home... then my parents told me what was up. My cousin called me and told me that we'd probably bomb the haji's all to hell. I guess he was right.
I was at school, Going to breakfast saw the 2nd plane
Mom and dads story was funny
Mom called Dad and Was screaming how the plane crashed into the building..Dad told her she was watching a movie, and to cut it off. Mom called back a few minutes later and told him the 2nd plane crashed in the other tower, he got even madder and said some things he had to make up for later..
I knew nothing of that untill 4 years later when the salesmen he was talking to that day when mom called came in the store and reminded him of what he told her... Opps
I was sleeping in when I wasn't supposed to be and my wife called and told me to turn on the TV. I watched form home for a while and called my co worker to see if he heard about it. He said he had heard something about it and changed the subject. He didn't realise how serious it was at the time.
my boss's wife cam in and plugged in a tv and said a airplane hit the WTC. I started talking about a documentry of the empire state builging. I was talking about how a b-17 bommer and maybe another plane had hit ESB. I figured it was no big deal until I saw the flames shoot out of the back of tower two. Man I was so wrong .. I still get choked up and pissed off about the attack.