Why do jobs that don't benefit from a college degree require a college degree?

Engineers have their own way of thinking and seeing the world, just like psychologists and mathematicians and musicians do. It takes a lot of exposure and adaptation to be on a common wavelength.

They do have their own way of thinking and looking at the world, it stems from all book, and is very often only feasible on paper, not in the real, practical world.

Engineers would climb over a pile of virgins, just to screw a mechanic....

Colleges really should cut out one full semester of the books, and require that semester be spent hands on, on the floor, working on whatever it is they will be designing. Then maybe once they've spent 6 months upside down and sideways, contorting themselves to reach fasteners, taken out 15 parts to get to 1, or spent thousands of hard earned dollars on special tools that only do one job on one engine/transmission/ vehicle, maybe they wouldn't take such pleasure in being chest thumping pencil pushers shoving their degrees around needlessly for sake of "design"........damn I found my soap box again.....
Wonder if this is agency specific? They are very thorough here.
Given your agency's actual use of the degrees listed, you are probably correct. But most GS-7 and above jobs now list a BA/MA as a requirement. They usually don't say what they have to be in for most series employees. So, I don't see CHRA tracking it down on a routine basis.
Engineers would climb over a pile of virgins, just to screw a mechanic....

They engineer stuff to be easily assembled to save money. They don't care how it comes apart because it's not their job. They just report to the bean counters and make it faster/cheaper to put together!

Given your agency's actual use of the degrees listed, you are probably correct. But most GS-7 and above jobs now list a BA/MA as a requirement. They usually don't say what they have to be in for most series employees. So, I don't see CHRA tracking it down on a routine basis.

What bugs me is the GS crowd where I work don't get drug tested. Makes perfect sense. The people that run the place and work in the business department can hoover all the shneef they want. Brilliant. I think they do too...they're insane. They always refer to where we work as a business. We're an entity of the government, owned by the government, that fixes government assets for other government agencies, and is entirely funded by taxpayer money. If we were a business, we'd have filed Chapter 11 probably 50 years ago because we're so damn top heavy. 30 years ago, there were TWO GS-15s. Now we have 18 of those fawkers. They get fat bonuses too. Most got there from the old "F up, move up" method.

I'll get off the soapbox now too 🤣
It's not "their own way"

Full House 90S Tv GIF

It's the RIGHT way

There It Is GIF

I wish there was a damn throw up emoji.

Even though I know you are kidding.