Wisdom Teeth

Well it's official, 3 of mine come out Saturday. Great, right in the middle of a 4 day weekend, too.
I had all but 7 of my teeth yanked out earlier this year. I was having one abscess after another. I ate soup and milkshakes for several days. I did get infected, and no i don't mean dry socket, I mean my gums turned green. Had to get a massive dose of antibiotics and take lots of meds for a week. Everything tasted like crap till it went away.
Get yourself a big bag of salted peanuts in the shell.

It'll help you pass the time.
Had mine done about 3 years ago...pain was only there for the 1st day but they give you pretty good drugs. It bled really bad the first day or two. I lived on a diet of KFC mashed potatoes for about a week. Two of mine were cut out, the others were pulled. It'll leave huge craters, food will get trapped, your breath will smell horrible. Then on my next visit, they gave me a cyringe to start flushing them out. It probably took 3 or 4 weeks for them to completely close up. Otherwise, enjoy the process! :)
I had a horrible experience. I had five wisdom teeth. There was an extra one on one side. My jaw swelled up very badly and I couldn't open my mouth very wide at all to insert food. Over a week after surgery, I remember smashing a Wendy's Jr bacon Cheeseburger as flat as I could to reduce its height because I still couldn't open my jaw wide enough to take a bit. It sucked big time. I might as well of thrown the pain meds in the trash can because they would have had the same result as they did in my stomach. It short, it was an awful experience. My sister on the other hand, had no problems, and went water skiing the next day.
Having all four of my wisdom cut out next week. Doctors said they will be all easy to get to and remove. My biggest concern is eating....now I know I won't be able to eat much...for those of you that have had yours out..what did you eat for a couple days?

I lived off mac, no cheese :D, small pieces are easy to swollow without chewing :D

Side note. I could not take major meds because I do not do drugs well... so if that is the case make sure you have plenty of over the counter meds...