On the "scrawny vegan" topic, I've got to say that I do indeed know a handfull of vegans (bro-in-law's GF comes to mind) who are quite healthy... and she's pretty hot too. However she also works very hard to take extra vitamins and eat good nourishing food.
Personally I think it's pretty clear that our bodies are biologically designed and intended to ingest animal products. Note our early ancestors lived on 6000+ calory diets and never qould have survived on veggies alone.

However thsi is all aside from the original point. I think what is being missed here, and becomes clear after reading the additional link, that being allegedly vegan is irrelevant to this case. The reason they were found guilty was not 'cause they tried to feed the child and failed, but rather (as judged by 12 peers) intentionally starvedt he child, then usedt he veganism as a cover. Makes me suspicious if they are even vegans anyway or just made up teh whole thing as a way of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy/child. Note the couple aren't married either.
They never visitied the hospital or a doctor - who wants to bet the child has no birth cirtificate or Soc Sec #?
Yea, I went to high school with her. We were decent friends, I dated her best friend for a while. Never really talked to her after she graduated tho. Small world
I think both parents should be shot.....

I have no problem w/ vegan/ long as I can knock out the teeth of every one of them who tries to lecture me on what I "can/should" eat.

Damn shame the baby had to starve for their stupidity!
I can somewhat understand why vegans do not want to get something that once was alive. But honestly they need to open there eyes. Not only do humans eat animals that we killed, look at lions and other carnavors, they viciously kill there prey which suffer, should we put them on vegan diets too? I try to respect other peoples way of life but that one I do not agree with
What about the poor plants?

They were alive also.
At least the animal has a chance of running away, a damn plants feet are stuck in the ground.

Vegans are cruel sadists in my book
Let's all take a moment of silence for the plants...

..and the most exploited one of all....the soybean. :(

So next time your in the grocery store, in the vegie section. Just say no, I'm not going to eat you tomato, give that green bean a chance, grab them all up and run out the door... be free!:)