XS Power batteries

I've had some show good voltage, but not have any cranking amps. It happens!

My Odyssey showed up and I got it put in. I like the threaded spots in the top of the battery posts. Makes it easy to add stuff on and not have to change the connectors!

Also, the RZR fires off REAL quick now. I suspect the 4 year old Walmart battery was nearing the end of its usefulness, but it'll get put on the charger and kept around as a spare...or until I need a good core.
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I didn't want to mess with changing any of the battery cables or the ends on them. Plus, I've got posts AND a bolt that threads in to the top of the posts now. Oh, and the Odyssey offered a reversed polarity battery. Positive on the left.

I know, I know...turn the battery around, but the cables are routed a certain way, so I just stayed with it.
I think I’m running a blemished interstate AGM in my truck. Hell I even have a second that I need to build a mount for. I thought mine was dead, charged it and still just clicking. Bought a new battery and it was clicking. Then discovered my junction box had a loose terminal. lol. Stupid is expensive.
The latest battery thread got my mind back on this one. Started looking around again for the cheapest price on either the XS or Odyssey versions. Found the XS for $199 each and free shipping from High Tech Battery Solutions.


I added them to my cart Friday night while I was at work, but never went through with it. Then today I got a cart reminder email with a 10% off coupon. So I guess tonight at work I’m ordering two XS batteries. Slow nights at work tend to cost me a lot of money. :laughing: