So you made your own site built trusses, presumably without an engineering stamp for the truss design (that would cost money), and it passed inspection (is that what you meant by "passed code")?
Someone please educate me here; can you actually make a site-built truss and not have any engineering approval, and actually meet building code? Is this just because it's a pole barn and no one really cares if it falls on you?
The "crappy little metal spiked plates" are part of an engineered truss system, and based on that alone I would trust them more than your site built truss. I know you have an unnaturally high confidence in your own abilities (and an unnaturally high desire to save money at the expense of almost everything else of importance), but I don't really see the cost savings in building your own from site-built methods without any actual engineering, versus buying a engineered and approved truss system.
Maybe I'm just being overcautious because I don't have a background/education in truss design or construction.