you put your weed in it


running dog lackey of the oppressor class
Mar 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Found this elsewhere... pretty amazing.
This is how they grow it in Tennessee . This grow was underneath a
house in a cave. The entrance was through a secret hydraulic door in the
garage that led to a concrete ramp that went about 50 yards into the
ground. Inside the cave was living quarters and a secret escape hatch that
led you through a tunnel that exited via another hydraulic door that
opened up a rock on the outside. It was very elaborate. The set up
allowed them to harvest every 60 days which resulted in multi-million
dollar sales. One of the guys busted was living in a house on the water
in FL and had a nice yacht.
One of the agents here in Nashville worked on this for 5 years
before the warrant was finally served in December.


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Damn that's a lotta weed! How did they ever find it? Pretty cool and ingenious if ya ask me.

so how did they get caught?

MILL VALLEY, Calif. - A man who allegedly mailed a half-pound of
marijuana without an address label on the package was arrested after
authorities returned it to its sender.

The private Corte Madera shipping company where Coburn tried to mail the
package on Feb. 16 followed company protocol by opening the package to
see whether the label was accidentally sealed inside, Lethin said.

Investigators said they are not sure whether Coburn forgot to affix the
address label or it fell off, but it had a return address on it that led
to Coburn.

....anybody see where the twinkies went?:flipoff2:

I read about something like this a while back but I thought it was in KY, maybe a similar setup.

You gotta give it to the guys though, thats alot of work for some people with a habit like that:smokin:
the power bill is probably what tipped them off, running that many flourescent lights costs some cash.
actually its not the flourescent lights that cost at all each 8 foot lamp only uses like .6 amps its all the 400w metal halides in between those flourescents that really draw the current also included would be all the fans running, water circulating pumps and such
that's one wild operation! To put that much work into it you'd think they would be a bit more careful.

As we always say at work "Gotta be tough when your dumb!" Hopefully they'll be tough enough to not be someones b!tch! They're going away for a long time on those charges!
Waaaay back when I was in Boone I *knew* a guy who was setting up an, er, horticulture center.
being in the middle of nowhere and the side of a mountain, her was powering it via his own generator - it was a water-driven deal he had setup in a nearby fast-flowing creek.
Some guys just use good ol' gas-power, but that's not very efficient.

This is pretty darn elaborate. but I guess it pays for itself. Wonder if thsi was an investment up front, or he'd been "building capitol" for awhile?
Funny though, people get caught when they get lax. Good thing everybody gets lazy eventually. What's he doing mailing the stuff anyway? That seems too hazardous to me, esp by putting a return address on it! Maybe he'd been sampling too much of his products.
RatLabGuy, i think the dude mailing it, and the guy who had the whole setup pictured are 2 different guys..

I wonder how he contracted that stuff out, I wouldnt think a single guy could have done that himself, and It would have been pretty noticiable when he had all this equiptment at his home but nothing to show of it..
Macdaddy4738 said:
RatLabGuy, i think the dude mailing it, and the guy who had the whole setup pictured are 2 different guys...

nothing illegal about contracting work to build a bomb shelter. used to be lots of them being built. Could have been one that was just renovated, alot of the work was professional but alot of it looked like lowes grade work
actualy im still confused about why he got caught.
if i were him i'd say, "yep you got me i mailed a pound of weed" and thats it,
not "yeah i did that and theres enough for everyone downstairs"
If a contractor comes in to do a job like that, word gets around. Not a lot of people build that elaborate a bomb shelter. Somebody small along the line gets caught. He rats someone out, then so on and so on. Neighbors reports lots of traffic. They check the guys out, the receipts for the lights, pumps, gardening supplies, high power bill show up per investigation. Maybe had a home based business to cover up some shipments coming in and out of the house. EVERYONE GETS CAUGHT if you stay in that business long enough. But no doubt that is the best operation I have ever seen/heard of. That person was smart about it. Hope he has enough stashed away for one helluva a lawyer....