(your name) looks like.....

Alan looks like someone who skinned some guy and is wearing the face.

In every way Alan looks like a man but he was born Alim - with a woman's body.

Alan looks like a gay skunk.
Just for shits 'n giggles... (too easy)

so when a jay leno gives up on bushisms, in a voluntary act of censorship, because suddenly george w looks like a holy cow, it’s time to remember one’s t s eliot: human beings cannot bear too much reality, he wrote in burnt norton.

George W. looks like he's about to Allemande Left...

Here's what George W looks like with the 50% Chimp transformation.

But George W. looks like the kind of man who doesn’t know how to make an international call, let alone reach out to the rest of the world.

And a million more.
James looks like

I thought this one was funny the rest where stupid, and did not make a whole lot of scence. :confused:

JAMES looks like a film out of the 1980s. The hero can bash up 20 goons at a go and confront blood-thirsting dogs, without getting a scratch on his body. ...:shaking:

orange150 said:
this was the best i could find for Michael Bolton... kinda disapointed
"Michael Bolton would be better off coming out of the closet"

You're not even trying....

Are you SURE it is a man in the pic?? Looks like a well armored Viking woman to me. (But if that is what Michael Bolton looks like,.. then,... He is Michael Bolton.

Michael Bolton looks like he's 5 7"

Michael Bolton looks like shit, how old are you 8-9?

has anyone else noticed how much michael bolton looks like diego forlan

Michael Bolton looks like he's going to town on that printer