Youtube of the day

Chris, Chris and I were talking about this on the Auburn trip. Bless her country dumb heart! I would imagine the principle of her high school here in NC wishes her name was not on that diploma!
^^^^I swear I was stillhuntin years ago and saw some movement I thought was a deer ahead of me. I approached quietly in the wet leaves and finally saw it was 2 squirrels on a big, low limb, mating. They made not a sound and the buck was a sensual lover who stroked it fast and slow and for several minutes!!, He also appeared to softly nibble on her ear now and then!! two other squirrels sat side by side 5' away quietly watching! It seemed like they were learning how to do it by watching the mating ones!! I have never seen mating squirrels before or since that were'nt completely insane, running all around fighting and chaseing/falling out of trees, I wish i had video of what I saw, it would be beyond virule! I've seen rabbits mate too........takes them about 2 seconds!!.
I raised wabbits for a merit badge when I was a kid. After the buck was done he would just fall over on his back with all 4 up in the air! You could see his heart thumping through his chest a million miles per hour.
I assume they get wore out from all of the wabbit foreplay?, not from the quickie at the end:eek:ops: Also Kelly's simpleness makes her more beautifull to me !
Holy Shit! 125 MPH on water skis? Damn!
Best ad I've seen in a while... and I'm usually counting the seconds to "Skip This Ad" on youtubes...
