Random pic thread.


Are they selling crack here?

View attachment 249219

They hyped Lidl up as high quality and super cheap, prices are about the same and Walmart and foodlion matched them on the the stuff they thought they would wow people with. The one in Sanford has a bad location, when you leave I hope you need to go right, it's the only option and the place only has one entrance/exit. Now the Aldi they are building will not have to be super impressive to get me there, since it's right next to my house I can walk!
@ponykilr I up you.... Tiger Lilly.
After being diagnosed with degenerating discs and starting a 12 month treatment plan, I decided to humble myself and buy a transmission jack. View attachment 249412
they said I had that shit years ago and I got really bummed out. I went to a physical therapist and started "treatment". Come to find out that DDD is pretty common and a large swath of the population have it. However, the symptoms may go unnoticed unless you go get checked out or if you actually start to feel pain. I guess my point is that you're a tremendous pussy.