Anyone ever severely tear a hamstring?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Yesterday at work I got into a wasp nest and rather than do the smart thing and spray it and come back later to remove the nest, I hit it with a rake and they got after me. No problem, my 25 year old ass can move pretty good. Oh wait I forgot, I'm not 25 anymore! :shaking: I took two steps and my left hamstring let go and I hit the ground...hard!
Took a trip to Ortho Urgent Care and I have a severely strained and partially torn hamstring. Level 2 from what I understand. Level 3 is where it tears away from the hip, requiring surgery, hopefully mine isn't that bad, I go back tomorrow for them to check it. They couldn't touch me yesterday.
Who has had this issue? Mine hams are always tight, I just can't seem to get them to stretch so I eventually quit trying. I am self employed and work alone and can't just plug someone in tomorrow. I'm hoping that the weekend, a lot of ice, and the drugs they gave me will get me more mobile soon. What kind of time frame for healing will this be?
LOL, I am getting surgery next week for a torn bicep tendon for trying to hold too much falling weight. 12 weeks in a sling plus rehab gonna be great can't wait!
That sucks, I hate it for you. Its really tough on folks who are used to and enjoy doing stuff.
Went to my follow up appt this morning and doc put me on muscle relaxers. I had plans to get some office work done but they're making me loopy and I can't focus worth a crap! :laughing:
Any bruising? I tore mine pretty bad playing flag football probably 10 years ago and it looked like someone took a baseball bat to the back of my leg a couple days later.

Hopefully you recover quickly and can get back to work.

I just signed up for a softball league with some buddies. My #1 goal is to not pull anything lol.
Any bruising? I tore mine pretty bad playing flag football probably 10 years ago and it looked like someone took a baseball bat to the back of my leg a couple days later.

Hopefully you recover quickly and can get back to work.

I just signed up for a softball league with some buddies. My #1 goal is to not pull anything lol.
Yes bruised up quite nicely! I just got back from my MRI and will wait for results before I decide how I'm going to proceed. I'm self employed, I ain't got time for this crap!
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Wow! Check this out! I just got home from the MRI and when I opened up my email I had the report. And from what I read its good that the tendon is intact but it is a bad tear but totally able to heal from what the Doc told me yesterday.

Gluteus muscles/tendons: Intact.. Mild ill-defined increased T2 signal identified within the right gluteus medius and minimus tendons.

Common hamstring origins: High-grade tear of the left hamstrings origin with retraction several centimeters. There may be a few intact remodeling medial fibers. Extensive associated edema within the soft tissues.. Ill-defined increased T2 signal identified within the right hamstrings origin.

Iliopsoas tendon: Intact..

High-grade left hamstrings origin tear with retraction and associated edema/fluid.

Left gluteus maximum this and adductor musculature grade 1 strain.

This preceding findings are likely recent/acute."