Random pic thread.

Gave myself a “haircut” yesterday. Got tired of catching it in my coat zipper. Gave up about 6” lol.
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It hasn't been fun this weekend, I don't think it broke 20 here yesterday. I've burnt more wood in the last few days than I generally do in close to a week.
yeah my FIL has been using alot too and is about out-.My BIL and me are gonna ty to cut him a few loads this week if the rain holds off.
Made it up the hill to play in the snow today. 1:24 scale rock crawlers are not great in the snow, but it was entertaining for a little bit.

Then we got down to business.

Sunset was gorgeous too

Even saw Table Rock and Hawksbill on the way back down 321.
Have you or a vet, figured out why she can't balance?
Yes. My 18-year-old actually correctly diagnosed it prior to the vet confirming it.

Cerebellar Hypoplasia​

Basically the part of the brain that controls balance is not properly formed. It happens in the womb when the mother contracts a certain virus, or can also be caused by malnutrition in the womb.
“CH” cats are not in any pain and can live normal life spans.
Yes. My 18-year-old actually correctly diagnosed it prior to the vet confirming it.

Cerebellar Hypoplasia​

Basically the part of the brain that controls balance is not properly formed. It happens in the womb when the mother contracts a certain virus, or can also be caused by malnutrition in the womb.
“CH” cats are not in any pain and can live normal life spans.
there's a surprising number of humans with CH. Higher rates in autism spectrum individuals as well.
What happened here?
Some kind f frame buckling from.... rot / rust?
Frame definitely buckled, gotta be from rust, but also there's a railroad track about 100-200ft behind where that truck is sitting, and it has a pretty pronounced transition as you come off of it.

I'm guessing cracked or rusted frame, plus heavy load, plus a little too much air off the train tracks made it go all Bud Lite and collapse.
I can't imagine the fun in dealing with getting that emptied and off the road.
there's a surprising number of humans with CH. Higher rates in autism spectrum individuals as well.
My best friend has it, coupled with some inner ear issues as well. She's a clutz, but managed to march base drum in band.