Chinese chainsaw, how will it perform?


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Oct 22, 2005
I can already hear the comments, but I cannot justify $1800+ for a new big name brand saw. Since Helene has left me with 60+ trees down and most of them BIG oaks, I needed to get something to cut them with. My old 26 year old 18" Poulan is a great dependable saw, but just too small for what I am dealing with. I started looking for a Stihl, but was hit with sticker shock! Not sure what i was expecting, but damn. So this lead to the search of a more reasonable priced saw.

In comes the Neotech 892 with a 28" bar. This is a 92cc Stihl 660 knock off. I guess the patents have ran out and the market is open. All the Stihl parts interchange with the NT(Neotech). On top of that, all the parts for the saw are readily available from NT website and cost are uber reasonable, actually really inexpensive. (trying to avoid the word I picked this up along with 3 extra chains, to my door for $406.00. "Most" website reviews have been really favorable for this brand, especially if you are mechanically inclined as there are a few tweaks and upgrades that can be done to make it better
Initial thoughts. Came well packaged, not fully assembled. No assembly instructions. I figured this part out, but would have been nice if there would have been an assembly drawing at least. Removed chain tensioner and added grease as per some reviews. Put on bar and chain. Nice looking saw! A lot heavier than I am used to of course. Added gas and oil, 4 pulls later it fired, 5th pull it started. Idled and ran good right out of the box. Going to put it to its first test this weekend and will report back. Will also add a couple of pics.

This is some of what I am dealing with..



I wouldn't hesitate at all to buy something like that for an immediate need. It might not last years and years and age and sitting might be harder in it than the Stihl, but it should do what you need it to do now.
33$ off temu and it freaking rips. For how long? Not sure. Funny half the parts have the husqvarna logo


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I have one of the Farmertec copies of the same saw. I bought it 3 or 4 years ago and it's still ticking along. It will wear you out in a hurry though since it's so heavy. No complaints here for what I paid for it.
I bought a farmtec version of that to use with the sawmill and it did need some tuning but otherwise not a bad saw, especially for the money. Id suggest everyone own an ms461 size Stihl with a 25" bar though if you're only going to have one saw
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I have a MS 460 and it cuts anything I want. I have been looking at the Holzforma 660 knock of as a milling saw. @braxton357 tubing? as in fuel line? @89wrangler let us know how it does.
There was a giant ass knockoff chainsaw that got pretty good reviews on Amazon at one time. I think it was a Holzfforma or something like that. Had a huge bar on it too. I saw a YouTube video of a guy reviewing one. It did pretty well. It was 90 or 100 something cc. I can’t remember. It’s been a while.
There was a giant ass knockoff chainsaw that got pretty good reviews on Amazon at one time. I think it was a Holzfforma or something like that. Had a huge bar on it too. I saw a YouTube video of a guy reviewing one. It did pretty well. It was 90 or 100 something cc. I can’t remember. It’s been a while.
Yea a buddy has that one 90cc think it’s a 066 replica. Uses all the same parts magically.
Yea a buddy has that one 90cc think it’s a 066 replica. Uses all the same parts magically.
Is he happy with it? I’ve got a Stihl ms311, but having a bigger saw with a longer bar would be nice. Definitely a want and not a need.
I know a couple guys running Whuhan wood slicers for milling. All of them have held up fine for that. I would imagine this would do the same. But I will be the contrarian in the group stroking Stihl's....while I sit here wearing a Stihl hat :laughing:...Husky 365 with a 24" bar. Best all around saw I have used.
I agree for an immediate need probably not a bad purchase, but I buy saws to keep for decades so I am interested to hear about the longevity of the knock offs.
I've got a Stihl 029 that was purchased in 1994. I got it after my uncle died in 2006.

Is it kinda heavy? Yes.
Will it wear out your forearms? Yes.
Have I ever changed the spark plug or air filter?
Does it still run better than a politician's mouth? Absolutely.
Fire on the third pull every time? You bet!

I'm pretty sure the old McCulloch 610 would still fire up if I messed with it some.

Not sure how I feel about the knockoffs, but I'd be willing to try it. Hell, I have a 30 something year old Homelite generator that still works like a new one. What's the worst that could happen?
I've got a Stihl 029 that was purchased in 1994. I got it after my uncle died in 2006.

Is it kinda heavy? Yes.
Will it wear out your forearms? Yes.
Have I ever changed the spark plug or air filter?
Does it still run better than a politician's mouth? Absolutely.
Fire on the third pull every time? You bet!

I'm pretty sure the old McCulloch 610 would still fire up if I messed with it some.

Not sure how I feel about the knockoffs, but I'd be willing to try it. Hell, I have a 30 something year old Homelite generator that still works like a new one. What's the worst that could happen?
I have a very similar experience with a 026 bought in the late 80s.
I have a 460 I got from @jeepinmatt that is in the shop again. I use it to mill with and I think it's just a tad too small for the 36" bar I recently put on it. I've been thinking about getting a 660 or 500I but I stumbled across these and have been contemplating one because of price.
I have a 460 I got from @jeepinmatt that is in the shop again. I use it to mill with and I think it's just a tad too small for the 36" bar I recently put on it. I've been thinking about getting a 660 or 500I but I stumbled across these and have been contemplating one because of price.
MS460 is a great saw, but milling with a 36" bar is working it too hard ;) (and the oiler probably has trouble keeping up) For that kinda abuse, I think its a perfect application for a big bore cheapo saw. It doesn't have to run well everywhere, just idle without dying, and run fine at one rpm range.
MS460 is a great saw, but milling with a 36" bar is working it too hard ;) (and the oiler probably has trouble keeping up) For that kinda abuse, I think its a perfect application for a big bore cheapo saw. It doesn't have to run well everywhere, just idle without dying, and run fine at one rpm range.
Yes definitely worked it too hard. It actually stopped oiling. I think I melted the plastic oiling gear behind the clutch. My clutch tool bent trying to remove it so off to the pros she went. I was looking at the Holzforma today and at $305 I’m probably going to give it a try.