Dead Coyote


No Rain, No Rainbow
Mar 17, 2009
Found this little guy just off of my property.
It had not been dead long. No smell and no bugs. It looks almost like it ate battery acid or drank some Draino. I've never seen something like it. I don't think another animal would just eat the missing part of its face off. Also no fur anywhere.
Anybody seen this before?
Animal Control got a call from me last night to come get it. Called again this am. County said call the state. State said dig a hole or bag it up. Awesome. Just what I wanted to do after work...


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I saw a documentary a while back where something similar was happening to the Tasmanian Devil in Australia, it was some kind of genetic or cancerous thing, don't remember exactly.
Dang, had to of been in a lot of pain before dying.
He got into to something. I'd just go ahead and dispose of it, don't want anything else eaten that.
Maybe contact the NC Wildlife Resources Commission... usually there are people keeping track of animals dying of strange causes.

I'm surprised the NRC doesn't have a hotline for this. I imagine it would go something like:

"For coyote sightings, press 1"

"If the coyote is still alive, but you're able to kill it, press 1"
"If you need assistance killing the coyote, press 2"
"If the coyote is already dead, thank you for calling the NRC. Have a nice day."

I'm surprised the NRC doesn't have a hotline for this. I imagine it would go something like:
"For coyote sightings, press 1"
"If the coyote is still alive, but you're able to kill it, press 1"
"If you need assistance killing the coyote, press 2"
"If the coyote is already dead, thank you for calling the NRC. Have a nice day."

Coyotes are known for eatting rotten/ dead animals from looking at the teeth and gums and throat looks like some kinda mouth cancer or disease. That was prolly painful and forced him not to eat....hell might be a rotting hole on his gotta watch a coyote they will hunt and kill any animal around your house and even attack small children!
El Chupacabra did it!
He looks to be in good body condition to have starved himself. If you find out what did him in, please send some this way. We are starting to be overrun with them. Lost my first calf to coyote this year. Don't plan on there being a repeat performance.
Honestly i believe this could have been caused by another coyote over a kill ive seen times when other yotes have killed another over food territory place in rank and they wont eat the coyote they just tear its throat out and leave it for dead!!! Id take a sample of its blood or tissue and try and find someone to test it if its rabies ya might wanna start hunting for the rest of the pack cause they will attack ppl when rabid and they will start stalking ppl just like an animal! just my opinion tho and what knowledge i know of the animals in our area hope it helps!
He got ahold of a whompus cat. Those suckers are mean!
He looks to be in good body condition to have starved himself. If you find out what did him in, please send some this way. We are starting to be overrun with them. Lost my first calf to coyote this year. Don't plan on there being a repeat performance.

Id feel privileged to bring AR-15 and call box out and you supply beer and we can make this an event for all!! :popcorn:
^ I would welcome everyone to come. Unfortunately the land owner (I lease most pasture land) will not let me bring anyone else to "hunt". He does not mind if I dispose of any that I come across.
^ I would welcome everyone to come. Unfortunately the land owner (I lease most pasture land) will not let me bring anyone else to "hunt". He does not mind if I dispose of any that I come across.

Figure I would offer!! Never hurts....Thanks!
We've had problems with them in my neighborhood, the HOA sent a letter out saying that there has been a rash of outdoor cats going missing and some sightings of coyotes. Really did keep the squirrel population down which was nice. I told my wife if we had one in our hard I would be killing it no matter if I wasn't supposed to fire my gun in the neighborhood.
you can't test for rabies through blood.
the only way to test for rabies is to cut it's whole head off and send it.
Really? Wasnt aware of that how do they test for rabies on live pets???