Spring Jamboree at UORTC and OHV trails open at UNF this weekend!

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Spring is here and things are turning green outside... that tells us that the OHV trails at Uwharrie National Forest will re-open soon! Trails will re-open on the morning of March 29, 2013, (that's this Friday!)!

OHV trails re-opening means it is also time for the second annual URE Spring Jamboree at the Uwharrie Offroad Training Center!

4x Focus... on Oliver's Custom Drive Shaft

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aimg.nc4x4.net_wp_2013_02_DSC_5618_300x199.jpgDave Whitley built bumpers, sliders, EXO cages, and would do solid axle swaps in his (at home) fabrication shop, for years. He used Oliver's for drive shafts, so when the business came up for sale it seemed like a no-brainer to buy it. That’s the WAY short version of the story, but on September 1, 2009, he took on custom drive shafts, car parts, and accessories. Dave has a lot on this plate, including a new shop, so we're glad he took a few minutes to tell us how he got into four wheeling, both for fun and for his day job.
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4x Focus... on Dylan Wiles and the OG #14 XJ

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Anyone who knows Dylan Wiles knows that he's good for a story and a laugh, often at his own expense. Long-time friend, Terry Moorefield (aka YourHotDogGuy!), has a great "Dylan story."

Some years back, they were wheeling in Dayton, Tennessee, with the Carolina Trailblazers. Dylan came knocking on Terry's camper door and asked for a can of "something." He told Terry he didn't care if it was beans, corn, soup, or whatever. Terry offered him supper but Dylan just wanted a can of something. The next evening, Dylan invited Terry to come have "Jeep Stew." Terry was afraid there were some broken parts simmering in muddy water, but it turned out that Dylan had bummed a can of "something" off everyone in camp and made a big pot of stew for everyone to share after a long day on the trails. Terry said it was actually really good and added that, "it's too bad they didn't know what all went in it, as it could never be duplicated."

ECORS Live from The Devils' Playground

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4x Focus... on Something a Little Different

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Shelton Hank Williams III, aka Hank 3, has a famous name and voice. He uses both to great effect to bring attention to issues and causes he supports. Whether it is the country music industry or animal rescue, he stands by his friends... he also happens to be a country boy with a thing for big trucks and bigger vans.


Before he started his summer tour, he took a few minutes to talk to us about his 4x4 van, recently upgraded by U-Joint Offroad... and a little about his love of dogs and music...

4x Focus... on BurnTables

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Kyle Riggen of BurnTables in Hutto, Texas, knows a thing or two about entrepreneurship. He saw a niche that he felt needed to be filled, designed and built a better product, and hasn't looked back. His company, BurnTables, makes CNC tables for hobbyists and fabricators, to give small business owners a leg up in their own endeavors. His tables incorporate industrial components, but offer simplicity in operation, and ease of use; do-it-yourself is just part of who he is.

Kyle's company philosophy and his own knack for problem-solving are part and parcel of his avid off-roader lifestyle. Based on what we've seen from the BurnTables Facebook page, he also has a wicked sense of humor... and maybe his great tables leave him with some extra time on his hands.

ECORS Live from Durhamtown Plantation

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