4x Focus... on Doug Bigelow

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Having what it takes to consistently play at the highest levels of off-road endurance racing takes skill and not a little bit of hard work. From success in the XRRA Eastern series, to a 4th place finish (after starting 42nd of 44) at the 2008 King of the Hammers, Doug Bigelow consistently proves he's one of the big dogs. He's run every KOH since 2008 and the purple 4413 is headed north for the King of Hammers Qualifier race at Crandon International Speedway this weekend.

The man in charge of Bigelow Motorsports was kind enough to take a few minutes to talk to us about his off-road racing career, past, present and future.
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4x Focus... on Will Carter

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Will Carter's new Ultra4 car has had quite an eventful 2012 season. The maiden voyage was the Line Mountain 4 Wheelers race at Raush Creek at the end of April. After an early flop, Will finished in 8th place. He put down one of the fastest laps at the Great American Park in the ECORS C Class race on May 19, but tagged a tree and broke a wheel on lap 5. Now the Will Carter Racing 4452 is prepped and ready for the inaugural King of Hammers Qualifier at the Brush Run at Crandon International Speedway this weekend, June 16 and 17.

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4x Focus... on Chris Marshall and MarsFab Offroad!

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aimg.nc4x4.net_wp_2012_05_DSC_0366_198x300.jpgChris Marshall started his fabrication career helping his dad build a brush guard for his '92 S-10 Blazer. At the age of 14 or 15, his dad was buying up cheap tools to fix and resell, and it snowballed from the brush guard to a roof rack to projects on his own 1991 Explorer.

Chris says, "I started working on projects for friends and trying to learn everything I could. Over the next ten or so years I worked as a landscaper, a structural steel welder and a parts runner for an auto parts company all while doing fab projects in my dad's garage on the weekends. I wanted to end up with my own "official" fab shop. Well the landscaping business I was working for was drying up fast and I needed to come up with another job asap. My wife and I were settled into our house, she had a good job, it seemed like a great time to start a business. So almost 3 years ago to the day I...
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2012 RCQ - Put 'er on the Floor One Time

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Rausch Creek Off Road Park occupies 3,000 acres in the heart of Pennsylvania's coal region. It is also the sight of the upcoming fourth running of the Ultra4 4WD Hardware Rausch Creek. The "Rausch Creek Qualifier" will be the first of two Eastern Regional Series qualifying races for the 2013 King of the Hammers.

The Rausch Creek race pits drivers against the coal dust of the Alleghenies in terrain that can range from dusty to muddy. The RCQ is a course famous for its dense trees and unpredictable weather. There isn't as much room for high speed, like you see in Johnson Valley, but winding through the forest at speed and tackling the "Rock Creek" glacial deposit, which covers a third of a mile with large boulders, there is plenty of opportunity for drivers to showcase their talents. It's all about proving...

Traxxas TORC Race in Charlotte April 20 & 21

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aimg.nc4x4.net_wp_2012_04_torc_logo_copy.jpgThe Traxxas Offroad Championship 2012 Series opens this weekend at the dirt track at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Presented by AMSOIL, this is short course off-road truck racing in a stadium setting! The epic battle at Charlotte last year between Ricky Johnson and Johnny Greaves was the series' most talked about race of the year. The two are set to square off again this weekend.

Ricky and Johnny took a few minutes to share their views on the rivalry.
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4x Focus... on Scott Fields

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Scott Fields is well-known throughout central North Carolina as a go-to guy for just about anything 'URE'. A Charter Member of the United Four Wheel Drive Association and a Forest Service volunteer for over 25 years, Scott was instrumental in getting 4x4 access trails at Uwharrie National Forest. He has not only acted as a liaison between the USFS, 4x4 clubs, and ATV clubs, but he helped in the design of the OHV Trail Systems at Uwharrie and Tellico.

As off-road enthusiasts, Scott Fields is one of our best advocates, spokesmen and lobbyists. We talked with Scott about growing up as an avid outdoorsman and how the UORTC came to be.
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