2010 M&M buggy build

we will be monster jammin it this weekend.. 460 style....
Leave it to the pros....
Just like NASCAR PJ has a specialized car for every track, you can't hide money!!!!
Ah..in this case..I thinks you should say '' you cant hide good friends'' Sometimes having a friend ready to loan you a rig to race is worth more than money!
Thats right....
I was inside that cage grinding and wire wheeling all the welds, P J wouldn't let me out till I bumped my head at least three times! LOL
Hay Snappy, this is for the kid. The baby's build is still on the drawing stage!
axle porn..



Lovely....:beer: If those 3rds hold up after the first year this may be my favorite buggy. I'm thinkin they would kerplode under my driving though:shaking:
Lovely....:beer: If those 3rds hold up after the first year this may be my favorite buggy. I'm thinkin they would kerplode under my driving though:shaking:

Kersplode a 9" with all the goodies? I don't think so...
If you're not breaking 60's too bad then you're not gonna touch a built 9...
I don't think i will have a problem unless i turn them to sharp and nail it.. I measured 53 degrees steering out of it..
I don't think i will have a problem unless i turn them to sharp and nail it.. I measured 53 degrees steering out of it..

53 deg with rear steer? Damn it man. :shaking: :flipoff2:

Just another way for you to cheat... :huggy:

I have to make up lack of driving skill somehow..
Kersplode a 9" with all the goodies? I don't think so...
If you're not breaking 60's too bad then you're not gonna touch a built 9...
unless your unit bearing slings a wheel off...or your ARB blows up, of you just plain chip teeth off the ring gear.....

But nah...they should be fine. Looks great!
unless your unit bearing slings a wheel off...or your ARB blows up, of you just plain chip teeth off the ring gear.....
But nah...they should be fine. Looks great!

He's got spools front and rear though right?

And PJ...don't buy cheap unit bearings. There really is a difference between the $350 ones and the $250 ones...ask me how I know...
I have two good ones and 2 cheap ones that i got in the axle deal. I guess i will run them until they give me troubles....I am running 35 spline grizzly locker in the front.. spool in rear supposed to be detroit knockoff but without the breaking problems. Chase says they have better warranty.. we shall see...
Sweet....53 degrees and 4wheel steer....so much for technical turns...its all straightaways now...
You get the new "Pro" series knuckle or the older style? Only difference is the kingpin bolt/bearing size I think...

If you really are getting a 53degree measurement both ways then you better put some steering stops on them...

My Branik machined shafts usually come able to turn 48 degrees one way and 52 degrees the other...:lol:
Most spidertrax ones seem to squeeze by just at 50 it seems...
yep, i think i will have to set it up to stop at 50 degrees to save the shafts. thanks
PJ. This thing is lookin killer. Have you gotten back from powder coat yet? Are you still gonna have it done in time for the May trip out west?