2015 hunting success thread

Nothing to brag about, just a spike, but it is meat in the freezer!

He has got to be a good one for me to cap him. I'm the only one in the house that eats deer meat so one is plenty for me.
Going this morning. Supposed to be peak around 11 on solunar table. Wednesday this week supposed to be excellent.
Checked my land yesterday, still soggy as crap but I think I'm gonna try and sit on Saturday morning. I need to put some meat in the fridge. I just hope the standing water hasn't changed their movements much
Father in law works at a deer processing faculty in shelby. He said today.. opening day of rifle.. by 2pm they already checked in 157. He said they were some monsters in the group. Need to get him a camera phone lol.
We saw a nice 8-point on the side of Apex Barbecue Road Saturday night... only aimed the headlights at it, though.

I like steaks and burger, but canned venison, cooked in a skillet with barbecue sauce, is my FAVE. Followed closely by Swedish meatballs made with venison sausage I made myself. :bounce2:
Hunted all my life, been in the woods with my dad since I could walk but I really enjoy letting the kids fill the freezer and make some great memories! It is truly a family tradition. My daughter is up on me and my boy already with 2 so far...

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Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone else had a problem with trespassers this year?
Already confiscated a few items & found a stand 10 feet off the property line today that I'm 90% sure they are shooting across, but can't prove it.
I pull stands every year these guys that come down from the big city and have 20 acres seem to think that they can hunt on everyone else's property too.
Shared a lease near statesville guy I shared it with payed his half by charging people to get there stands and trail cameras back plus he found out who was trespassing for the most part
Shot this guy this morning about 7 in the field behind the house. Should be a 7 but two were broken. Neck was 22 in around and the processer guessed about 170lbs but I have no idea.
Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone else had a problem with trespassers this year?
Already confiscated a few items & found a stand 10 feet off the property line today that I'm 90% sure they are shooting across, but can't prove it.
I have a few pretty crazy stories about trespassers but I don't have problems with it now.
I hunt family land in Johnston (home) and to my knowledge no one else hunts anywhere close by.
I also hunt fairly remote private land in Surry and have never seen any evidence of stand tampering or poaching.
I have a few pretty crazy stories about trespassers but I don't have problems with it now.
I hunt family land in Johnston (home) and to my knowledge no one else hunts anywhere close by.
I also hunt fairly remote private land in Surry and have never seen any evidence of stand tampering or poaching.

Any tips you want to share?
None of my stuff has been messed with, but the other guy that hunts the property has had all his game camera SD cards stolen.
Any tips you want to share?
None of my stuff has been messed with, but the other guy that hunts the property has had all his game camera SD cards stolen.
Biggest tip is to get a Wildlife Officer involved. They LOVE to catch people messing with people who are trying to follow the law.

I leased 140 acres along with 3 other guys for several years. We had signs all over the place and trees dropped across paths at many places to keep vehicle traffic out. I caught a guy on the lease in a pickup who had moved a tree and ignored the signs. He told me he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be back there as he had "been coming back there for a few years". Never mind the signs and the trees dropped as gates.

I caught a guy hunting there and when I confronted him he told me he would hunt where he "damn well pleased". I attempted in a calm manner to explain the land was leased and that there were no trespassing signs everywhere. He pretty much told me to F off. He was armed, I was armed, it was a tense situation. I just smiled, turned and left saying "ok, have a nice day. I was dialing as soon as I was out of sight. He was arrested and charged with several things. The wildlife officer was almost giddy.

I had a tripod stand turned over 4 times. I even drove 3' steel into the ground and bolted it down, they took ATVs and straps and tore it down (destroying it). Cameras stolen, stands stolen, found deer gut piles, multiple tree gates cut and moved.

It taught me that people are generally assholes. I was on a trip to Ecuador with the owner (a land developer and home builder) when he had a heart attack and died. It was devastating, Greg was a good man. His wife was forced to sell all the land and I didn't hunt for a few years. Losing all the work we did and money spent on the lease left me a little bitter, not to mention all the asshole trespassers.

I hunt land my dad's brother owned now, my cousin owns it and no one in her family hunts. I have it to myself. The land around it is fields and good farmers who have been there generation after generation. I also hunt in the mountains at our retreat and same situation, great owners all around.

It is sad that a "grown ass man" won't respect property rights and heed signs. Also sad hunters will steal from other hunters and think finding stuff in the woods is fair game.
We've had some good trespasser stories over the years, but they've finally eased off the last 2 or 3.

While I would find and confront the trespassers when I could my 90 year old grandpa was the best. Sometimes if he was lonely he'd park his gator beside their truck and chat with them when they came back. Others times he was fond of removing all four valve stem cores and leaving a note on the windshield with his phone number.

One particular a**hole (meth head) didnt learn real quick, his truck rolled into a pond while he was hunting. Damn thing just jumped out of gear and I guess he didnt set the parking brake.

Probably the funniest thing Ive seen. We had a guy put a ladder stand on our property. Left a note telling him it was on our property and it would be removed for him in 1 week (with a date) if he didnt remove it. He changed out the ratchet strap holding it to the tree with a chain with a large lock. One of my uncles is a bee keeper. Grandad had him set a bee box in the stand and wrote a note that said "Check. Your move."

He is 90+ and had polio so one leg is like 7"+ shorter than the other so he has built up shoes and walks with a mighty limp. Always has a wheel gun in a side holster, quite the sight... he has this innocent fumbling way about him. Spilling spit cups on people and apologizing profusely. Showing off his pistol and accidentally firing it inches from their feet.

I'm going to miss that man when he is gone.
I'd love to confront the person(s), but we never see him. There are 2 of us that hunt the land, and the landowner lives across the street so it regularly has eyes on it. We know what he looks like since we have his game camera with pictures of him on it; we're just not sure when/where/how he's getting on the property, but we've got some ideas. On a positive note, I did some digging and contacted the land owner that I found the stand on and they do not allow hunting what-so-ever; as soon as I get an email with written permission, I'm going to take the stand down. Think I'll leave a no trespassing sign stapled to the tree with the cut cable lock this time...
2 of the stands I have in the mountains were confiscated here at home after leaving notes.
since we are on poachers this was took by construction works. Shot it on the way to the job left it laying and picked it when they got off.... Where the game warden was waiting for them. The land owner watched them shoot it from his stand as the buck worked his way to him.
Saw a handsome 6pt chasing a doe this morning. Ran right by my stand.
5 minutes later they ran by the opposite direction LOL

Also saw another bald eagle.
I'm not going to get to go this year, but my dad and grandpa have been busy.

Papaw got one yesterday morning:

And Dad got one this morning in the same spot:
