Any tips you want to share?
None of my stuff has been messed with, but the other guy that hunts the property has had all his game camera SD cards stolen.
Biggest tip is to get a Wildlife Officer involved. They LOVE to catch people messing with people who are trying to follow the law.
I leased 140 acres along with 3 other guys for several years. We had signs all over the place and trees dropped across paths at many places to keep vehicle traffic out. I caught a guy on the lease in a pickup who had moved a tree and ignored the signs. He told me he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be back there as he had "been coming back there for a few years". Never mind the signs and the trees dropped as gates.
I caught a guy hunting there and when I confronted him he told me he would hunt where he "damn well pleased". I attempted in a calm manner to explain the land was leased and that there were no trespassing signs everywhere. He pretty much told me to F off. He was armed, I was armed, it was a tense situation. I just smiled, turned and left saying "ok, have a nice day. I was dialing as soon as I was out of sight. He was arrested and charged with several things. The wildlife officer was almost giddy.
I had a tripod stand turned over 4 times. I even drove 3' steel into the ground and bolted it down, they took ATVs and straps and tore it down (destroying it). Cameras stolen, stands stolen, found deer gut piles, multiple tree gates cut and moved.
It taught me that people are generally assholes. I was on a trip to Ecuador with the owner (a land developer and home builder) when he had a heart attack and died. It was devastating, Greg was a good man. His wife was forced to sell all the land and I didn't hunt for a few years. Losing all the work we did and money spent on the lease left me a little bitter, not to mention all the asshole trespassers.
I hunt land my dad's brother owned now, my cousin owns it and no one in her family hunts. I have it to myself. The land around it is fields and good farmers who have been there generation after generation. I also hunt in the mountains at our retreat and same situation, great owners all around.
It is sad that a "grown ass man" won't respect property rights and heed signs. Also sad hunters will steal from other hunters and think finding stuff in the woods is fair game.