2023 (Not NC4X4) Web Wheeler Weekend Get Together

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Not sure how the wife would feel about burn marks on the Pyrex. Also not sure if it would leave burn marks on the Pyrex, but getting that out of the already baked on crap seems impossible. Also also not sure if you're supposed to use Pyrex with an open flame, but by golly its called Pyrex, so y'orta.
You do realize a black stone doesn’t have an open flame, right?
Well, I'm going to have to punt for tonight and come in the morning. I was sick last weekend and the beginning of the week. I'm still trying to recover and am beat after getting everything ready. Trailer is loaded and hooked to the tow rig and ready to go. I just know I need to have a decent nights rest tonight to function. I even came in to work early this morning to leave early. I just can't do it.

See you guys in the morning. I'll make sure to bring some blanks in the pistol to wake you all up:laughing:
Nope, never used one so didn’t even think about it. Should work well.
What I was talking about is best illustrated using a pic. That's what's I did on my blackstone to "bake" a stromboli
Loaded and ready heading that way about 8am.
*cough* 10am *cough* 😴😴😴
Hate I’m missing the fun this weekend, in Chattanooga this weekend for my nephew’s 5A Tennessee state championship game.
I'll miss seeing your big ass head, it's been too long! Good luck to your nephew on the big game, that's awesome!!