35" Tire rental or partial purchase


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Im looking for some 35" MT's or Swampers that I can rent in the middle of April, or pay some type of usage fee. Shoot me a PM if you can help out. 8 lug wheels would be a plus. I can loan you some 38" SX's on H1 12bolts or BFG AT's on H2's in the mean time if you want to impress your friends.
Has to be a 35". I need them for the Uwharrie race.
hahha to many of us thing a like :)

I already asked if anyone in CNC4x4 has a stock vehicle I can borrow for the day :)
my street tires, 35" BFGs are pretty worn, might pass inspection, might not. It sounds like the market for used 35s just took a turn in favor for the sellers! If the race weather looks dry, I'll probably end up riding in B-class. If not, I'll bump up with my offroad tires, 36" SXs :driver:
Ive got some 35" at's, but they are for my street tires. I want something with sidewalls, haha.
If you could find me some 37's you could have my 35's. I know its a long shot but its worth a try.