4th Annual NC4x4 Man of the Year

Vote for NC4x4 Member of the Year

  • Snappy

    Votes: 38 38.4%
  • Rob (aka rockcity)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Ron (formerly SkyHiK5)

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Yager

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Terry (aka Your Hot Dog Guy!)

    Votes: 30 30.3%
  • Ricky B

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Rob (Sitze)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Retroedaddy

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Eli (aka DRaider90)

    Votes: 12 12.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I would say eli and snappy, eli for the emense amount of work for ure.,,, and snappy for all the help at ecors

i really think it should be 3 member of the year
I appreciate the plug but.......

I think these guys would all be good choices:
Shawn - saf-t-scissors for the smooth transition of the board and the new direction were headed.
Snappy - Well.... for being snappy...
Rob - cause he friended me on Crackbook !!! (and for that Ecors stuff)
Ron - For the ecors effort. Its come a long way in a short time. The Razr class will be huge !!!
HotDogGuy - Terry really does more for the 4x4 community truly sees or realize. He's been involved with this hobby/sport for a very long time and continues to stay involved. His actions at the work days speak for themselves.
Well I guess Snippy get's my vote also! He is truly concerned about so much that goes on around him. He some how has the time to help any body that needs it. As I see it, he would hold a flashlight wile standing in ankle deep water on the side of a two lane road at 1:00 am so I could tape a wire together on a clearance light on my trailer in Febuary at 15 degrees and never complain and be GLAD to help! I'm proud to call Cris Brower my friend!
HotDogGuy - Terry really does more for the 4x4 community truly sees or realize. He's been involved with this hobby/sport for a very long time and continues to stay involved. His actions at the work days speak for themselves.
I wanna vote for terry also. I haven't known him very long, but I have been trying to get into the offroad community more by going to the work days and I am always amazed by the amount of time he puts into helping others and how he offers his time to be there to make sure everyone has a good time. It's always a joy to talk to the guy.
My votes.
Shawn and Cydney.
And Rob for starting this thing.
Just my opinion.
I would like to vote for retroedaddy for what he has had to go through with his little girl. As being a father of a little girl myself i could imagine he could use a pick me up.
My Top 3 in no particular order
Snappy - its been said here a hundred times already but dude helps everyone out, really to try and list his efforts would be insulting because id leave out too much.
Terry - From serving Dogs at URE to trying to keep PJ out of trouble to sharing a little apple goodness from time to time....
Shawn/Cydnee - These two have taken the reins of NC4x4 and made huge strides in a short time, they have supported ECORS every step of the way as well as every other local vendor, entrepreneur dreamer with a transfercase and an idea. And somewhere in the middle of all that, found some time to well...you know need safety scissors.
I don't think we can split our votes, but Snappy and Terry are both two of the nicest people you'll ever meet... happy to share a joke, a wrench, a minute of their time or just about anything else!
Someone should add a poll to this thread.

Snappy - Chris
SafT - Shawn
Yourhotdogguy - Terry

Seem to be the 3 favorites, even though snappy appears to have a large lead.
added a poll

I went through and made a list of all the nominees and added a poll... hope that will help count votes since some people nominated 3 or 4 individuals. ;)
My vote wasn't an option, I presume voting for Shawn (Saftscissors) is not allowed?

voted for YHDG just to make for a more even race.
I tied you up Snappy!!! All listed are great but Snappy really does alot for everyone he meets. Thanks Snappy you are a awesome guy with all you been through and still keeps the pace. Good Job!!!!
Iv'e seen and heard alot about these nominees for years, but the one person Iv'e dealt with personally is Snappy. He mearly brought a part to me from JC to the fall Farm event, which doesn't seem like a lot, but he took the time to answer my last min. call to ask him to give it to my daughter because I couldn't make there. He took the time to handle this deal for someone he has never met and my daughter said that he seemed like a nice feller. SNAPPY, Thanx...
I guess I will vote for SNAPPY. I just met him a month or so ago and he has helped me out and has got me wanting to build another rig.
Eli, I agree with Dylan on this one! The work origination at URE, the maps, and many other things. You are a asset to the URE trails! As are all of the volunteers that donated their time at URE! I wish I could nominate all of them!
I don't know snappy, but I have to say Ricky B and 4x4cross. He is helping out ALL types of our sport not just one type/group etc. He works his tail off and tons of people appreciate it! This is the least we can do for him!

Oh and if it wasn't for Ricky I never woulda met my GF! lol

They are a team. It kills me to not vote for the two of them together for all they have done with ECORS.

And Snappy, every time his name comes up you hear another person comment on what he did for someone recently.

Tuff call. Podium usually holds three.....put em all up there. 3 way tie!!!!!!!