4th Annual NC4x4 Man of the Year

Vote for NC4x4 Member of the Year

  • Snappy

    Votes: 38 38.4%
  • Rob (aka rockcity)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Ron (formerly SkyHiK5)

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Yager

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Terry (aka Your Hot Dog Guy!)

    Votes: 30 30.3%
  • Ricky B

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Rob (Sitze)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Retroedaddy

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Eli (aka DRaider90)

    Votes: 12 12.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't know snappy, but I have to say Ricky B and 4x4cross. He is helping out ALL types of our sport not just one type/group etc. He works his tail off and tons of people appreciate it! This is the least we can do for him!

Oh and if it wasn't for Ricky I never woulda met my GF! lol

You can't vote for your employer! :flipoff2:
I just saw this.Only being a member since April,I have to say this is the greatest group of guys.Everyone is so Helpful and The warm wishes for my daughter were Great,I really appreciated every single one of them.I count almost everyone I have come into contact here as a friend and I would do anything to help y'all out.Let me know if I ever can and WOW 2 votes.That's at least one more than I thought I would get!!!!!!!!!Thanks again!!
Although I have already voted for Chris(Snappy)
I want to tell you a little I know about Terry
Terry has been up to the flats on several occasions. He don't ride, he works. He gave a generous contribution to the benefit effort we had. On top of what he gave, he set up a jug for people to stuff money into. Well over $200 came from that jug!Terry is selling hot dogs, not so much to make a living, but to stay in contact with the sport, pastime, or what ever you want to call it. Terry can't wheel like he did at one time because of his back issues. Instead of finding something else to do, he decided to do something to stay connected to it. Terry is a man who would give the flowery shirt off his back, to someone in need. He feeds the hungry and always does his best to bring a smile to your face. He has a joke, a come back, always!
For me both of these for-runners are very deserving.
It would be difficult for me to decide between the two.
Best of luck for both!
CHRIS (SNAPPY) Congratulations on being such a great guy. Give us a shout when your ready to claim your prize.

Merry Christmas to all and thanks for your support to allow us to do things like this.
Thanks Chase and to everyone that voted for all the great people on this board.... Look foward to meeting alot more at clean up days and trail rides.....
Congrats to Snappy!

Big Thanks to Chase and ECGS for this great tradition!
Congrats on the win, Snappy. It's an honor just to get nominated, but you've busted your ass this year helping folks out. It's good to see you get recognized for it.

Thanks for the great prizes, Chase.
Thanks Chase and to everyone that voted for all the great people on this board.... Look foward to meeting alot more at clean up days and trail rides.....

Congrats buddy, I know I give you alot of shit, but you deserve it.....Congrats.......fag:beer:
Congrats Snappy, You deserve it and I'm glad to lose to some one like you! Thanks to ECG for making this possible every year also and to NC4x4 for having it on the best forum ever!