Hell ya we're listenting.
Yall know I scraped the finish line for ya.
As for the tech inspection...
I checked everyone day before because it was very time consuming. I even was about to raise a few vehicles in A-class because I thought they had lockers in the front because of the way they were turning on the track.
Also I did look over everyone for the three main things before they were started: Helmet (Full face), Seatbelts, fire extinguisher, and first aid. We did have a Pro Class finish on fire. Luckily we got it put out. And I turned around the trampoline jeep for not having a full face helmet the day before. If I missed your kit Dave, my bad
One thing for improvement, next year is to have a bigger extinguisher on the ATV and each of my spotters to have one too. A few of them did have extinguishers but not all. I had one with me later on in the day. Next year I know exactly how many people I need to spot and do check in and tech
(we're 1 down but picked up mic to help spot in a few places - hats off to mic) and also help send announcements up to the booth. Heck last year we had no announcements!
I would like to for next time make it clear where spectators can and can't sit. Chuck had a good point about the back side pond and also closer to 'ledge' was good. But the grassy area.... we'll need to figure something out. Because the folks can't see over a line of trucks ready to race. So we let them on the other side. Perhaps we'll have two sets of lines. One for the trucks and one for the fans so the the spotters and I can move a little easier.
Yeah the trash disposal was kinda not clear on the grass but people weren't really supposed to be on that side originally - regardless, gotta have more containers in some places. I had a huge bag over under the checkin tent I used to pick up a bunch of trash saturday night. At least we're a good group of people and there were piles, neat piles, of trash for me to gather. Not strewn about crap.
Thanks to all on the hill for that.