I'm afraid to make the statement that "we're gonna be there", but we're sure gonna try to be there. It seems that just saying "were gonna try" sometimes works out better for us. Hope to see some of you folks we haven't seen in a while... and maybe meet some new faces.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Flats this weekend. We have put a lot of time and effort in making this the best invite we have had. Help us by staying on marked trails and not "jamming up" the trails. There are plenty of trails for stock rigs to even buggies. This was our largest complaint is that you get to a trail and there is someone trying to make it for 20-30 mins. We want everyone to have a go on the trails so be considerate of others and if you are not getting anywhere. . . winch or back out. . .And try again later. Thanks for all you do to help us make THE FLATS one of the best wheeling places on the East Coast.
If you guys are out there patrolling, try to enforce the 3 try rule any time there is traffic in a section. Always a few challenge area's that turn into a jam quick if people keep trying.
Thats right Brad. . .and a JUMPand a jump!
We will have club members stationed in those areas and I am all for the 3 try rule. . .unless you are the only one on the trail and in that case. . .bang til it goes or something breaks. . .