Phillip Talton
- Joined
- Mar 30, 2010
- Location
- Mayodan, NC.
This is a long one. The longest one I've written so far. Carry on if you don't want to read, settle in if you want a good story. I write these so I can go back and read them later, and so you can enjoy it as if you were there, and hope it will encourage many to get back on the trail, or at least make time for some old wheeling friends.
So a handful of us decided we’d like to see Harlan in the winter time, and we’d like to go in a small group to cover a lot of ground.
I have vowed to never stay on the Putney side again if I can help it, so we planned to stay in the Black Mountain Cabins in Evarts up behind the gas station. However I called to reserve a cabin and discovered they close from November to March. Little did I know that would play out for our advantage, as I remembered a place I heard about years ago. PoWhiteBoy Rentals. $140/night for 8 folks (cheaper if you have less) for a trailer on stilts with 7 beds and 3 couches, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, deck and fire pit, and actually enough parking to get 6 tow rigs and trailers in and have room for the rigs when not on the trail. I sent the man a check for half the amount and we were golden.
So we decided we would leave out Thursday after lunch and arrive that evening. I met @Chris_Keziah at the Wallburg Diner where @D2320M and his buddy Mike joined us. After a fantastic lunch, we met @CasterTroy at the Food Lion down the street, where his new neighbor met us and agreed to tag along. Boy was he in for a treat! We jumped on 52N where @BigClay fell in line with us and on up thru King where @Joe J. also fell in line. We were all set to meet @Nakoma somewhere along the way but we found ourselves parked on the side of 77 about 3 miles before you get to 81. We all have CBs in our tow rigs (which is great by they way) and we talk the whole way to and from. Recently @Chris_Keziah picked up an 02 F250 with the V10. With the 5 Star tune, Y pipe and Dynomax muffler that thing screams like you've never heard. As we were topping one of the last hills on 77 Chris came on the CB and said he just blew an exhaust gasket or something. I thought little of it until he said he needed to stop. Joe was behind Chris and the rest of us were all stopped about 3/4 of a mile ahead. Chris came over the CB to let us know the #10 Spark Plug had blown out of the head. My stomach turned a little. However that's nothing compared to what my stomach would feel a few hours from now.
So we found a NAPA about 6 miles ahead right off 81. Joe stayed with Chris and we all went to get a tap and a new spark plug. The guy at NAPA was a jerk and literally no help. They didn't have anything except a bad attitude. The only thing good there was a parking lot big enough to drop my trailer in and everyone else stay there with it while me and Clay went to Oriellys. This was convenient because the NAPA was in a plaza and one of the places there had tacos and beer.
So me and Clay were off to once again grab parts. We called oriellys before hand where a girl named Mary Beth was more than helpful, in fact she was excellent. She pulled up the thread size of the plug, confirmed they had the tap, and also made note that she had a repair kit that came with a bigger tap and heli-coil insert. I was on the way and happy. I was leaving there $70 poorer when Chris called and said he also needed red lock-tite and anit-sieze, so i turned around and spent $10 more. A quick call to Troy to tell him we had acquired the goods and were going back for rescue and we were on the road again.
I couldn't remember how far down the last exit was before Chris broke down, so I took my chances and got turned around in one of those places where you're not supposed to turn around. Luckily that worked out well for me. So there we were. Me and Chris, Joe and Clay on the side of 77 trying to figure out what we were gonna do. First we tried to run the tap in the hole and clean the threads. Only the end of the spark plug threads were damaged so we thought we could clean the head threads and put a new plug in. Negative. We ran the tap in several times, it felt good but the spark plug just never would bite. Of course it was the cylinder furthest back against the firewall. Of course this truck has a 2" lift and 35's. Of course it is the side closest to traffic. It was the perfect storm. By this time we had all taken a shot or two at trying to screw in the new plug in the freshly chased hole. We had spoken to Nakoma who was not far behind and prepared to stop. About the time he pulled up, we had determined there really wasn't much thread at all left and we were going to have to use the repair kit. So Joe Jones emerged with a beer, Nakoma slathered this tap tool in the kit with anti-sieze and got to work. It was comforting to read the instructions and they say in big bold letters "THE HEAD MUST BE OFF THE BLOCK FOR THIS REPAIR". Nope, sorry we had to go wheeling and we needed this done fast.
After tapping and checking and tapping some more, lots of jokes, and cold wind we then jammed the insert and new plug in the head and crossed our fingers. The old Ford fired up and sounded normal again, and we nervously continued out. All seemed fine.
Back at the worthless NAPA I got hooked to my trailer and we were off again. Luckily, we had left at 1pm. We were originally going to leave at 3pm, and I'm glad we didn't because we would have been dealing with this repair in the dark as this ordeal cost us 3 hours.
I was pretty thirsty back at Orielly so I grabbed a bottle of water, as did Clay. Clay took his to the face and put a dip in. So we are all rolling down the road again and I am calling @Curtis_H to explain we are good to go and there's no need for him to bring a goosneck and spare truck. Huge thanks to him though for being willing to do that. But I'm on the phone with him when I take a sip of water and instantly begin to start dying. My stomach and throat became on fire and I puke in my mouth, manage to spit that into a cup. Curt is asking what's wrong as I am barley able to tell him I'll call him back as I hang up on him. I grab my styrofoam coffee cup and again hurl into it. All while towing at 75. I grab the CB Mic and thru a very rough choking voice tell Clay I am going to kill him, as I began to fall behind and Joe comes around me. Another round of hurling in this coffee cup ensues as Joe comes by. He looks over as the inside of my stomach exits my mouth, coupled with the fine lunch I had earlier. There is all kinds of chatter from the group on the CB but I cant really talk right now. Between coughing and puking and tears running down my face, trying to drive and not kill a bus full of nuns with my trailer all I can do is listen to them slowly dissect and figure out whats happening.
Joe: "you alright over there Phillip" as he is beside me
Clay: "Whats going on back there? Was that Phillip saying he would kill me?"
Joe: "Idk He looked bad like he was throwing up in a cup"
Derek: "WTH Happened?"
Troy: "Clay did you spit in a bottle in his truck when you rode with him to get parts?"
Joe: "oh that makes sense, yeah he's totally hurling in a cup right now"
Clay: "Nah, I didn't I've got my own spit bottle right.....wait, I left it in his truck...oh F@*K"
Everyone: Uncontrollable laughter and also gagging, while talking over each other on the CB
Yep. @BigClay left his spit bottle which was identical to the water bottle I was drinking in my truck and I turned that thing up, thirsty, and fully committed as I squeezed the bottle to get a huge gulp in, in between my phone conversation with Curtis, only to instantly realize it was a spit bottle. Then to realize "wait, I wasn't spitting in a bottle I was spitting in a cup, OMG this is Clays spit bottle!

All of this happened somewhere between Wythville and Bristol. Not sure, memory has already started blocking that trauma out.
Onward we roll, needing fuel somewhere before we get to 26N. We find the smallest Shell on the whole stretch of 81 and pack in there, making a huge cluster and blocking some cars in while we fuel up. Onward again, the very next exit had a huge gas station...oh well. We are late and our plans to stop at the store are messed up and its too late to cook by the time we will arrive at 8:30. We decide we will hit the Mexican restaurant in Harlan for food and Margaritas. I take the time to lock each door on the truck (its all manual) and with pure excitement I go to hop out of my truck and realize its still in drive and running. So Chris laughs and calls me a DA as I throw it in Park and then hop out. Since I'm pretty OCD and always check to see if I have my wallet, gun, and keys often I'm about at the end of my trailer when I realize I don't have my keys. As I turn around I realize I have locked them in the truck. And its running. And I have a spare set for the truck and jeep....in the truck. Crap. What a day. Now I'm creating more problems, and this group of guys is hangry. CRAP.
I quickly remember I have another key zip-tied to the frame of the truck. But then I can't find it, and Nakoma can't find it either. CRAP!! It's gone, didn't stay there. So we decide to go in and drink about it. However I don't have much appetite for neither drink or food and can't stop thinking about my truck being locked. So I told Clay to order me whatever he's having and go back to the truck, I look for the hidden key again with no luck. I have enough service to watch some stupid video about unlocking the truck and I just don't have what I need. So I call the police and explain that I'm out of town and ask for help. They tell me they don't do that for liability but they have a guy they recommend and he will send him my way. I give my name and number and describe my truck which is white, running with a jeep on a trailer and surrounded by more trucks with Jeeps, can't miss it.
1 Margarita and a dish of Chori-Pollo later some dude is wondering around the restaurant looking for me. We head on out where dude inflates an air bag and shoves a doohickey in there while I hold a light and he unlocks it. I've been sick to my stomach since locking them in thinking this will cost me between $80-$120 for sure. So I ask dude what the damage is and in his best Harlan accent he says "oh reckon bout $25" I said "TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS YOU SERIOUS??" He seemed confused and said yes so I gladly handed him $40 and assured him it was fair and thanked him.
So a handful of us decided we’d like to see Harlan in the winter time, and we’d like to go in a small group to cover a lot of ground.
I have vowed to never stay on the Putney side again if I can help it, so we planned to stay in the Black Mountain Cabins in Evarts up behind the gas station. However I called to reserve a cabin and discovered they close from November to March. Little did I know that would play out for our advantage, as I remembered a place I heard about years ago. PoWhiteBoy Rentals. $140/night for 8 folks (cheaper if you have less) for a trailer on stilts with 7 beds and 3 couches, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, deck and fire pit, and actually enough parking to get 6 tow rigs and trailers in and have room for the rigs when not on the trail. I sent the man a check for half the amount and we were golden.
So we decided we would leave out Thursday after lunch and arrive that evening. I met @Chris_Keziah at the Wallburg Diner where @D2320M and his buddy Mike joined us. After a fantastic lunch, we met @CasterTroy at the Food Lion down the street, where his new neighbor met us and agreed to tag along. Boy was he in for a treat! We jumped on 52N where @BigClay fell in line with us and on up thru King where @Joe J. also fell in line. We were all set to meet @Nakoma somewhere along the way but we found ourselves parked on the side of 77 about 3 miles before you get to 81. We all have CBs in our tow rigs (which is great by they way) and we talk the whole way to and from. Recently @Chris_Keziah picked up an 02 F250 with the V10. With the 5 Star tune, Y pipe and Dynomax muffler that thing screams like you've never heard. As we were topping one of the last hills on 77 Chris came on the CB and said he just blew an exhaust gasket or something. I thought little of it until he said he needed to stop. Joe was behind Chris and the rest of us were all stopped about 3/4 of a mile ahead. Chris came over the CB to let us know the #10 Spark Plug had blown out of the head. My stomach turned a little. However that's nothing compared to what my stomach would feel a few hours from now.
So we found a NAPA about 6 miles ahead right off 81. Joe stayed with Chris and we all went to get a tap and a new spark plug. The guy at NAPA was a jerk and literally no help. They didn't have anything except a bad attitude. The only thing good there was a parking lot big enough to drop my trailer in and everyone else stay there with it while me and Clay went to Oriellys. This was convenient because the NAPA was in a plaza and one of the places there had tacos and beer.
So me and Clay were off to once again grab parts. We called oriellys before hand where a girl named Mary Beth was more than helpful, in fact she was excellent. She pulled up the thread size of the plug, confirmed they had the tap, and also made note that she had a repair kit that came with a bigger tap and heli-coil insert. I was on the way and happy. I was leaving there $70 poorer when Chris called and said he also needed red lock-tite and anit-sieze, so i turned around and spent $10 more. A quick call to Troy to tell him we had acquired the goods and were going back for rescue and we were on the road again.
I couldn't remember how far down the last exit was before Chris broke down, so I took my chances and got turned around in one of those places where you're not supposed to turn around. Luckily that worked out well for me. So there we were. Me and Chris, Joe and Clay on the side of 77 trying to figure out what we were gonna do. First we tried to run the tap in the hole and clean the threads. Only the end of the spark plug threads were damaged so we thought we could clean the head threads and put a new plug in. Negative. We ran the tap in several times, it felt good but the spark plug just never would bite. Of course it was the cylinder furthest back against the firewall. Of course this truck has a 2" lift and 35's. Of course it is the side closest to traffic. It was the perfect storm. By this time we had all taken a shot or two at trying to screw in the new plug in the freshly chased hole. We had spoken to Nakoma who was not far behind and prepared to stop. About the time he pulled up, we had determined there really wasn't much thread at all left and we were going to have to use the repair kit. So Joe Jones emerged with a beer, Nakoma slathered this tap tool in the kit with anti-sieze and got to work. It was comforting to read the instructions and they say in big bold letters "THE HEAD MUST BE OFF THE BLOCK FOR THIS REPAIR". Nope, sorry we had to go wheeling and we needed this done fast.
After tapping and checking and tapping some more, lots of jokes, and cold wind we then jammed the insert and new plug in the head and crossed our fingers. The old Ford fired up and sounded normal again, and we nervously continued out. All seemed fine.
Back at the worthless NAPA I got hooked to my trailer and we were off again. Luckily, we had left at 1pm. We were originally going to leave at 3pm, and I'm glad we didn't because we would have been dealing with this repair in the dark as this ordeal cost us 3 hours.
I was pretty thirsty back at Orielly so I grabbed a bottle of water, as did Clay. Clay took his to the face and put a dip in. So we are all rolling down the road again and I am calling @Curtis_H to explain we are good to go and there's no need for him to bring a goosneck and spare truck. Huge thanks to him though for being willing to do that. But I'm on the phone with him when I take a sip of water and instantly begin to start dying. My stomach and throat became on fire and I puke in my mouth, manage to spit that into a cup. Curt is asking what's wrong as I am barley able to tell him I'll call him back as I hang up on him. I grab my styrofoam coffee cup and again hurl into it. All while towing at 75. I grab the CB Mic and thru a very rough choking voice tell Clay I am going to kill him, as I began to fall behind and Joe comes around me. Another round of hurling in this coffee cup ensues as Joe comes by. He looks over as the inside of my stomach exits my mouth, coupled with the fine lunch I had earlier. There is all kinds of chatter from the group on the CB but I cant really talk right now. Between coughing and puking and tears running down my face, trying to drive and not kill a bus full of nuns with my trailer all I can do is listen to them slowly dissect and figure out whats happening.
Joe: "you alright over there Phillip" as he is beside me
Clay: "Whats going on back there? Was that Phillip saying he would kill me?"
Joe: "Idk He looked bad like he was throwing up in a cup"
Derek: "WTH Happened?"
Troy: "Clay did you spit in a bottle in his truck when you rode with him to get parts?"
Joe: "oh that makes sense, yeah he's totally hurling in a cup right now"
Clay: "Nah, I didn't I've got my own spit bottle right.....wait, I left it in his truck...oh F@*K"
Everyone: Uncontrollable laughter and also gagging, while talking over each other on the CB
Yep. @BigClay left his spit bottle which was identical to the water bottle I was drinking in my truck and I turned that thing up, thirsty, and fully committed as I squeezed the bottle to get a huge gulp in, in between my phone conversation with Curtis, only to instantly realize it was a spit bottle. Then to realize "wait, I wasn't spitting in a bottle I was spitting in a cup, OMG this is Clays spit bottle!

All of this happened somewhere between Wythville and Bristol. Not sure, memory has already started blocking that trauma out.
Onward we roll, needing fuel somewhere before we get to 26N. We find the smallest Shell on the whole stretch of 81 and pack in there, making a huge cluster and blocking some cars in while we fuel up. Onward again, the very next exit had a huge gas station...oh well. We are late and our plans to stop at the store are messed up and its too late to cook by the time we will arrive at 8:30. We decide we will hit the Mexican restaurant in Harlan for food and Margaritas. I take the time to lock each door on the truck (its all manual) and with pure excitement I go to hop out of my truck and realize its still in drive and running. So Chris laughs and calls me a DA as I throw it in Park and then hop out. Since I'm pretty OCD and always check to see if I have my wallet, gun, and keys often I'm about at the end of my trailer when I realize I don't have my keys. As I turn around I realize I have locked them in the truck. And its running. And I have a spare set for the truck and jeep....in the truck. Crap. What a day. Now I'm creating more problems, and this group of guys is hangry. CRAP.
I quickly remember I have another key zip-tied to the frame of the truck. But then I can't find it, and Nakoma can't find it either. CRAP!! It's gone, didn't stay there. So we decide to go in and drink about it. However I don't have much appetite for neither drink or food and can't stop thinking about my truck being locked. So I told Clay to order me whatever he's having and go back to the truck, I look for the hidden key again with no luck. I have enough service to watch some stupid video about unlocking the truck and I just don't have what I need. So I call the police and explain that I'm out of town and ask for help. They tell me they don't do that for liability but they have a guy they recommend and he will send him my way. I give my name and number and describe my truck which is white, running with a jeep on a trailer and surrounded by more trucks with Jeeps, can't miss it.
1 Margarita and a dish of Chori-Pollo later some dude is wondering around the restaurant looking for me. We head on out where dude inflates an air bag and shoves a doohickey in there while I hold a light and he unlocks it. I've been sick to my stomach since locking them in thinking this will cost me between $80-$120 for sure. So I ask dude what the damage is and in his best Harlan accent he says "oh reckon bout $25" I said "TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS YOU SERIOUS??" He seemed confused and said yes so I gladly handed him $40 and assured him it was fair and thanked him.
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