Amazon Smile


everyday is a chance to get better
Apr 10, 2005
Greenville, NC
I know lots of us shop via Amazon.

One way we can take our normal, everyday tasks and have it benefit our hobby is to look into utilizing Amazon Smile.

Amazon Smile will donate a portion of your purchase to a charity of your choice. Well, it’s got to be a charity on their list but there are quite a few options.

I have chosen Blue Ribbon Coalition. You can chose whatever you want but I’d recommend Blue Ribbon Coalition.

Here is the quarterly update from Amazon regarding the donations. It’s nice to see progress but surely, I think we as a 4x4 community can do better.


But, you have to sign up and you have to purchase through the Amazon Smile page, not just Amazon. Check it out and make your normal purchases benefit the hobby we all love.
Did not know about this. I don't do a whole lot of shopping on Amazon but it's good to know that when I do, something goes towards a good cause (I did pick something a little closer to my heart that BRC though lol).

Well, damn...

Mine has been pointed to my kids elementary school for a number of years. I’ll be switching next year when they’ve moved on.
Don’t remember one of those update emails though. Guess I should read my emails before just deleting them.
Mine goes to my work non profit - CAPCommunity Foundation, Inc.

feel free to add our charity to your gifting.. 100% of money goes to kids..
I signed up and mine goes to Make a Wish of Eastern NC. I have seen Make a Wish in action and they are a worthy cause.