Another scammer,

This is getting better...

Just a thought, generally Mercedes drivers in general and certainly enthusiasts, who buy MB and then modify them, tend to have jobs that pay decent enough to afford that niche hobby and have supporting contacts/skills as well. Short of scamming a lawyer or police convention I cant think of a dumber group to try and defraud....
dang those wheels cost twice as much as I paid for my whole jeep :) and I would much rather climb rocks and throw mud than sit in a climate controlled leather interior:driver:
Copied over....

Originally Posted by esURABUS
This was sent to the local media here in the great white north... yaay for the interwebs ! I'm sure they'll look into it at some point, maybe even wait for the hammer to fall.

"A few weeks ago the internet was aflame with the story of a Calgary young man who decided to take a "for sale" Skyline GTR on a permanent test drive. His actions led to a subsequent online "CSI-like" investigation, where Forum users managed (within days) to find out where this young man lived, worked, whom he associated with etc. All this information was then passed on to the local authorities. They arrested and charged the man as he was found with the stolen property still in his driveway.


A similar story is currently unfolding, this time in Massachusetts. The man involved this time has tried and (succeeded repeatedly) to scam forum users, and eBay shoppers, as well as defraud DHL the shipping company with bogus packages.

The Forum MBWORLD.ORG has taken the matter into their own hands and with input from its members (and those from MANY other forums that have had the pleasure of dealing with the perp). They have uncovered a rather colorful "practice" this man leads. Information has been given to authorities and users still forward any helpful information which will lead to his apprehension.

This information is forwarded to you as a means to update your newsroom on the latest movement in internet policing and crime stopping.

The link to the forum:

Thank you,
Yours truly,"

yay or nay?
One of the guys from SC that was scammed is a Fed marshall..... talk about dumb luck.
i hate it for those guys,but it was somewhat entertaining to read
Lol, they even have the model #s of the cameras he has used.
That is awesome.

I don't understand what the wait is all about, though - they have a name and address. Send the cops there w/ a search warrant. Clearly enough info there for probbaly cause.
I don't understand what the wait is all about, though - they have a name and address. Send the cops there w/ a search warrant. Clearly enough info there for probbaly cause.

Let's see. For sale thread started on 5/16/08, Buyer posts up that he's getting a bad feeling about the transaction on 5/22/08, MBworld swings into action towards end of the week...It's been 6 days! Most of the "good" info came out in the last 2 days. Cops don't work that fast. They can NOT just take all the info in the thread and head over to the guys house. I'm sure that the police are involved, I'm sure that there is a 'full' investigation going on, I'm sure that there will be a 'door knocking' soon. Too bad they guy isn't as much of a lowlife and have as much to hide as Wentzel did...
They can NOT just take all the info in the thread and head over to the guys house....

Huh? They do in the movies. Is that how it works????

Too bad they guy isn't as much of a lowlife and have as much to hide as Wentzel did...

I dunno, from the evidence thus far, seems like he's been a real shitbag, scamming folks for awhile now.
:confused:Dangit...I read all the post on the main forum....then you post up the cliff notes!!

Damn Dylan, you must need more work to do :flipoff2:

I started reading at 1:15 am, and had fallen asleep by page 3.
lol...I had really only read less than half of it, skimmed the rest...bout 45 min. worth..
but yeah, I need some more work!!! Anyone need some carpet layed, or any type flooring for that matter?
I dunno, from the evidence thus far, seems like he's been a real shitbag, scamming folks for awhile now.

All they have come up with so far on "J B Smith" and/or "Johnathan Turner" is that they have been scamming people on several boards, and have lied about some or all of the cars they own or have owned. Wentzel turned out to be scammer, a lier, and a pedophile.
Wow i read about 17 pages of that then skipped to the end since the seller stoped responding after getting banned so many times. Unfortunately, i doubt anything will come of it. I see this alot, especially on craigslist. For instance i was looking at a 99 Ducati motorcycle on Craiglist for $2800. A steal! I e-mailed the seller. He said the bike was in VA, he is from Charlotte and currently living in the UK. His response to me was within the hr. I asked if i could get the number to the consignment company selling the bike or his number in the UK so I could personally speak with someone and verify the bike. He responded back with pretty much the same info on the consignment company. I googled it. it was real. But no number to contact anyone with. He didnt leave me his UK number. I replied back and said thanks for trying to scam me but i flagged the ad and that was that.. Never heard back from the seller. Chasing IP addresses is a dead end street. I bet this guy isnt even in MA area, most of the time they are overseas like Asia and can ghost IP addresses to where it makes it look like they are in the states.. Hopefully this guy wasnt as smart. Judging from his grammatical errors, he might not even speak english too well.
Chasing IP addresses is a dead end street. I bet this guy isnt even in MA area, most of the time they are overseas like Asia and can ghost IP addresses to where it makes it look like they are in the states.. Hopefully this guy wasnt as smart. Judging from his grammatical errors, he might not even speak english too well.

They are pretty much onto the guy, phone calls have been made. Scammer has been talked to, friend has been talked too.

Cliff notes