Anyone have a kids ATV they want to sell in the Raleigh area?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
Bought one off of here for my son's birthday, we were going to give it to him on Saturday at his party. Already have a helmet and gloves and everything for him. He has no idea, so we were going to surprise him.

Well, I thought it only needed carb work, so when I got it Tuesday I cleaned it up and today I put a new battery in it and found out it needs a lot more than that. Stator is fried and broken and it took out the starter chain and all. Needs a bunch of work, and I don't even think I can find the parts to fix it by this weekend.

Does anyone have a decent running kids ATV they want to sell in the Raleigh area? I can pick up tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Please let me know, got a desperate dad here. :lol:

His ATV themed party is going to be a little less exciting when all he gets is a helmet. :lol:
Whats your price range??

I have a single seat go cart, has full roll bars, seat belt. Runs, pull start. PM if interested, can TXT you some pictures.
Proud new ATV owner. :)
2014-02-22 14.16.26.jpg
It is a little Chinese knockoff one. Seems to work really well. Got a good deal on it because it was apparently an older model and the last one they had since they just got the new models in this week.

He's bee riding it around everywhere. My wife has been a little freaked out that he was going to die. He hit a tree with the tire and she saw how it didn't throw him off and erupt into flames so she felt a little better. :lol:

He is having a blast with it though, very happy with this thing.