Apple watch


Dipstick who put two vehicles on jack stands
Mar 21, 2005
Oak Ridge/Stokesdale, NC
I'm getting kind of tired of seeing all the news about the Apple Watch. I love my iphone, but I have no interest in owning an Apple Watch. Anyone on here rushing out to buy one?
I wouldn't go pay full price for one. Or even near it. I feel like if I wore it for a full 24 hours, it would end up getting ruined quickly. Do any working or welding, take it off and set it somewhere and it loses its "watch" appeal and becomes just another big dumb expensive thing with weld spatter all over it.
I don't understand it. Maybe I'm not clear on everything it will do, or the size of the actual face. But with the age of the Phablet, why in the hell would anyone wanna look at a tiny little watch screen.
There have been a bunch of Android versions already. Almost all of which have looked like huge douchebag watches (IMO). If they made them in a similar size to a regular watch with more practicality then Id probably get one. Not an apple but an android version...
I have a co-worker that absolutely loves apple products. He is working from home today so that he can pre-order his watch.

I dont get the hype over the watch.
I have a pebble (another ewatch) and had it for a while, I really only use it when i workout now to see all the data from the workout. People now want huge phones then a little screen to see when somebody calls or texts them since there phone is so damn big and don't want to take it out of there pocket.
Who the fawk wants a watch you have to take off and charge almost every day? That's the dirty little secret nobody is talking about.
I'm w/ others, I don't get it. There have been tons of attempts at cool gadget watches, and they all lose their novelty quickly.
@shawn stayed up and ordered one for sure!!
I haven't owned a wrist watch in over 12yrs. The two before that are at the bottom of lake Wylie, FREE to whoever recovers them!
Who the fawk wants a watch you have to take off and charge almost every day? That's the dirty little secret nobody is talking about.
I'm w/ others, I don't get it. There have been tons of attempts at cool gadget watches, and they all lose their novelty quickly.

Everybody has talked about battery live of smart watches a lot. I don't want a phone I have to charge every day either, but there isn't escaping that really.

I will say though, my "nice" watches I have to wear everyday as they don't have a battery or they die, in that aspect a smart watch isn't much different in having to throw it on a charger at night. Good thing about watches like that though is you can wind them if they do die on you and you don't have to throw them on a charge.
People already look stupid enough with their heads down towards their phones, I can't wait til the social ruhtards start developing elbow/shoulder/neck problems by trying to see whats happening in their magic watch.
complete waste of money!

but yet all these Apple Fan boys will have it and wait in stupid long lines for a gadget.
Everybody has talked about battery live of smart watches a lot. I don't want a phone I have to charge every day either, but there isn't escaping that really.

I will say though, my "nice" watches I have to wear everyday as they don't have a battery or they die, in that aspect a smart watch isn't much different in having to throw it on a charger at night. Good thing about watches like that though is you can wind them if they do die on you and you don't have to throw them on a charge.

Yeah, charging phones is a PITA, but people grumble and do it... b/c they don't have an alternative.
However, we have had watches for hundreds of years which work perfectly fine, and the good ones that are self-winding, you literally never have to worry about. I only take mine off to shower.
Yes, I could get in the habit of taking it off at night to charge, just like I do my phone... but then I don't have it on my wrist to look at at 3am to say to myself, why the fuck am I awake... etc.

the problem here is competition against things that already work well. We have watches already that tell time, and phones already that do everything else. i just don't see the advantage, aside from being cool.

the problem here is competition against things that already work well. We have watches already that tell time, and phones already that do everything else. i just don't see the advantage, aside from being cool.
"Cool"???? Arguable, but I understand your point and yes, you nail it right there. Many people just have to have the latest gadget just to feel special or cool.
If they get to the point where they are normal watch size and don't need your phone nearby for everything to function I could be interested just for one less thing to carry.
Then again I've already had to move to the giant phone screen so I don't need reading glasses so it wouldn't work for me anyway.
Anybody got the time?:fuck-you: