[Aug 24, 2012] "THE FLATS" FALL OPEN INVITE/TOY RUN Aug.24th-26th (MARION NC)

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here is one somebody sent me in a text. This is at the top of rockledge


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I know people took more photos than this
Thanks Chris for posting some pics up of my truck! I finally got some pics of it on nc4x4! lol I always take my camera here and have so much fun wheelin and watching everybody else i always forget to get the durn thing out to take any pics until im loaded up to go home...! Had a great time as always and thank you Rock Corps for having a wonderful place to wheel and opening the doors to us to come and enjoy your property. Very thankful for you guys because these great places are getting scarce and definently getting further and futher apart for us small timers to go to. I allways look forward to your open rides because it is the best place in the western part of the state to go to and just about the last good place to go to for a day trip. I think you guys should do a every other month open ride!!! hahaha
I had a ball watching everyone after my rear spring perches collapsed LOL!
I think you guys should do a every other month open ride!!! hahaha

You have no idea how many man hours, and machine hours went into just this one ride! To try and get this to happen monthly, LOL would be impossible to get that many people and machines there that often. Now, if I were to win the lottery, I would buy the property and do just that! Anyone have a winning ticket they want to give away!???

I was not able to attend due to work schedule. But from all I have heard, it went off great. I don't know of any other group, past time, or sport, that has so many wonderful, willing to help a cause type people in it. A great big thank you to everyone, members and guests that made this a success! You are all some great people I consider myself lucky to be affiliated with!
Upnover i completly understand my friend! I was just having one of those wishful thinking moments out loud. Im very thankful for the opportunity to ride there twice a year and can promise you i will do everything i can to never miss an event there! And as for all the guys in your club, thank you for all the man hours and hard pay-free labor you guys did and always do for the off-road community to be able to come out and enjoy a great place to wheel. As a long time lover of lifted trucks and anything to do with being out doors or in the woods, i feel i have found my place in the off road community. I absolutely love the whole package of going to events like this ranging from the great wheeling, to hanging out with friends and family, to meeting other people that have the same passions i have and leaving them feeling like i just made a new life-long friend. like i said before in the previous post, thank you for having a great place for us to come do what we are all passionate about because they are getting few and far in between!
More pictures?