bad sellers scrappy1982 and cherokeecody


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
Well,I havethought long and hard about bringing this drama here, but if you know me you already know the story of my buggy. The only reason I am writing this is so no one else gets ripped off by these 2 guys. Long story short, I was talking to Adam (scrappy1982) about buying a buggy he had listed that needed to be finished. It was exactly the drivetrain I wanted and figured it would save me some time. So, we talked and by the time I had the money together he had sold it to his neighbor, Cody(cherokeecody). He informed me that Cody would sell it and gave me his number. I know seems fishy but Cody answered the phone and agreed to sell it to me so I drove 7 hours each way to pick it up.

The first problem I found was that the buggy was supposed to have detroits front and rear. Well, the rear was junk welded third with the wrong gears and the front was an EZ Locker with worn out ring gear so after a bunch of back and forth (it took 3 weeks), I paid for another axle to be shipped to me from Adam -- it was supposed to have a detroit in it. Well, guess what? More junk. There was nothing I could use. Obviously I was pissed at this point but decided just to move on and continue to build the buggy -- karma will catch up to both of them one day. I saved up some money and had Chris at MarsFab build me a new chassis and links and skins which are all bad ass. Chris is a great guy to deal with. ECGS rebuilt both of my diffs and did a great job, too. Both shops are awesome to work with and the guys are great.

Fast forward six months... the buggy is back from MarsFab and needs to be finished. Snappy helps me wire the buggy (awesome guy who did a great job). It cranks and I'm super happy. I start to do all of the little things and find that the motor that Adam told me was fresh a (22r), has a blown head gasket and cracked rocker assembly. I pulled it all off and checked the crank barrings. They were all shot - crank was grooved pretty good and cylinder walls had enough scarring that I would not run them. The timing chain cover was cracked so I started looking more. The buggy was supposed to have a R151F Turbo Trans and TCase with 4.7 gears. Well, it turns out to be just a W56B. I think the TCase does have 4.7 gears, but I have not pulled them off yet to confirm. The alternator was bad, the orbital is huge and won't work, the break master is the wrong size.... I could go on and on with stuff.

Adam is sticking with the fact that even though I saw it on NC4x4, he sold it to Cody and 3 days later I bought it from Cody, so it is not his problem. By law, I think he is right. He made a BS Claim today when I told him I was going to write this that he would buy it back from me but it had to be everything I got just like I got it. He said he would give me my $2,500 back, but he knows I have spent $12,000 since then and can't do that. He just wanted it to look good when I wrote this I guess. They both got me good, it's my fault - I should have checked everything better, but I have bought so much on here and have never had a bad dealing so I felt safe. This is your warning - stay away from these guys or you will end up like me.
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Don't forget that you originally planed to use the tube chassis you bought but it was so shity and never would have worked that he must have made it up from whatever he could find. I still can't believe there was SOLID steel pipe/rod used. I saw it with my own eyes at Mars Fab when Chris first thought he could save maybe some of the existing chassis. When he realized that one of the pipes used was solid the entire chassis was scrapes!! Then Chris built one of the baddest Toyota buggies I've ever seen.
That's a whole lotta:poop: for Cody to swap over/break in 3 days...

And I say that in your defense josh
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I did read it. It really sucks when people straight up lie. I have bought and sold hundreds of items online. I have never been really "got" but I have had people sort of get me. They sound like people to avoid but honestly it is a buyer beware world. No matter the claims, it is up to the buyer to be sure of what he is buying. That said, things like lockers are not easy to check. Engines that are supposed to be fresh and are worn out is another thing hard to check from the outside.

I feel for you man. I do. Karma does come back around.
For 2500$ Josh ended up with a stock transmission and axle housings. Everything that was told to Josh during the time of the sale was a complete and bold face lie!!!! I've never seen or heard of anyone getting fucked so badly. Adam/scrappy1882 and Cody/cherokeecody you should be ashamed of yourselves, and trust me it will come back on you, promise.
Yea spell check too. But karatejosh is a friend and I have been through every process with this biuld...rebuild ...and rebuild.... The guys lied and that's the truth...look at the for sale post and it said Detroit's front and rear... And after it was found to be a welded diff, Josh was told..." oh, my bad, it must be this other housing I have in the shop then. Come pick it up".... That one was welded too!!!!!! Josh payed to have the housing shipped just to find out the guy lied again.

I can't believe that someone could just forget what they had bought and built! Come on guys, the truth is the truth and. A lie is a lie. I can't stand a thief and a lier. And that's what Josh has dealt with on this buggy. A worn out motor and a run of the mill w56. And a lot of parts that don't go together for any reason. Nothing has been purpose bought, nothing to fit a toyota buggy at least. So the guys are liers and I understand that Josh got a load of bs for a big price tag.... Sorry to see this happen to a friend.
"I have no dog in this fight" Now...
Bought and sold and traded a metric shit ton of stuff on this forum without a hitch.Good peeps.
My take is that Kung Fu J bought some stuff and did not verify what it was BEFORE he paid for it.
Now 6 months later it is an issue?
I smell something.
And it isn't the dog shit on my boots.
Paul what you smell is kun foo Josh is pissed.... This has gone on since the first week of the purchase. These guys lied from the start. Your just hearing about it cause the motor is bad which the6 said was rebuilt and tranny is not what they said it was.
It is my fault I should have checked better lesson Larned propose of thread is to prevent others from having to go through this bs
Didn't you start a thread about this when you first bought it? Hate to hear you're still finding surprises. Love the buggy now!
Just went through the archives and read all the old stuff.
Nah Paul. I witnessed it first hand. Josh bought the buggy and all these parts and pretty much brought them straight to my shop. It then spent about 3 months here as well as most of the parts in question so Josh wasn't able to check out anything. As far as I know he was aware that the chassis was only .090 wall erw tube And that the lower rails were filled with solid bar. Off the bat we decided to just do away with the whole chassis in favor of building a new 2 seater instead of the single.
That's when the problems started. As I cut the old one up to scrap it we found but joints that were not slugged, places that were cut into the tube with a cutoff wheel that were hidden under a joint. Welds that weren't actually on the joint among other problems that made it unsafe.
Fast forward 3 or 4 months now Josh has it at home recouping funds to try and finish the project. This is when he starts finding these problems. the engine and tranny issues were just found out within the last couple weeks.
I do feel that he was shafted for what he paid vs what he actually received. Identifying the tranny on site as a 56 instead of an r151 is really the only thing he could have done without opening the whole motor and axles up before he drug it home.
Burn em to the ground. I have no use for a liar or a thief.
To the public,
Your opinion may vary because of stupidity or mental illness.
This is terrible. I'm sorry josh, that just sucks. I've read the other threads about all this and it's just shitty.

This is why I'm usually called a "dick" for pulling out a bore scope, a compression gauge, my laptop, a micrometer, and cross reference guide just to buy a used light bulb.

I hate that these two dick heads lied so much that you are still finding problems.

I have no dog in this fight and I'm only a spectator. But if I can do anything to help at all, let me know.

Deals like this will give everyone on the board hesitations when trying to buy or sell anything.
How has anyone managed to make it to 2015 without realizing that spelling and punctuation actually do make a difference?

Composing a rant like this one, with such disregard for basic communication skills, really calls into question your buying habits.

I COMPLETELY agree that being taken advantage of like it sounds you have is f*cked. But this whole discovery process has been going on for over six months. You couldn't find the time to put together a well-written, concise account of what happened?

You instantly lost a large part of your audience because folks don't want to wade through that chicken-scratch of a post. A large part of your potential audience that, I would safely imagine, would back you 100% and help to make the situation right.

I sincerely do feel for you from the business side of things. Scrappy1982 and cherokeecody need to come forward and make this bullshit right. If they're not willing to do so, the weight of humanity needs to crash down on them.

As for Mac5005:
This is why I'm usually called a "dick" for pulling out a bore scope, a compression gauge, my laptop, a micrometer, and cross reference guide just to buy a used light bulb.

If more folks had the patience and mindset to do things the RIGHT way, we wouldn't have issues like this. And no, you're not a dick. You are a smart businessman that knows that shitheads are around every corner.

This sucks. what makes it worse is that most of the people that need to be throat-punched by karma arent smart enough to realize it was karma...
You instantly lost a large part of your audience because folks don't want to wade through that chicken-scratch of a post. A large part of your potential audience that, I would safely imagine, would back you 100% and help to make the situation right.

I read the first two sentences, then quit and said "I'll wait and read the replies to figure out what this is about."
I live really close to Josh and have seen the buggy more times than I can count. From day one this situation has been a damn mess. Neither of us have ever personally seen a turbo trans up close so we didn't know if it was one or not. I found some info on 4x4wire yesterday that helps with identification of these somewhat rare units. I told Josh what to look for and when he got home he verified that it was NOT a turbo trans. Whether it took him 6 hours or 6 months to find out this buggy wasn't what its supposed to be, it still ain't right. The builder/original owner or whoever they are need to come forward and do SOMETHING to help remedy the situation. So maybe Josh isn't the best speller, but neither are half the people on this board. Last time I checked this is and offroad forum, not a god damn grammar class. He is telling everyone to watch out for these guys, and you all get the idea. I'm not sure what the protocol, if any, is for dealing with things like this. All I can say is I think Josh has handled all this bullshit pretty damn well. Pretty much nothing on that buggy is what they said it was. I hope as a board and as a community some justice will be served in one way or another. If anyone wants to buy anything from those two guys then proceed with caution. Its pretty difficult to verify parts sometimes, so you are almost forced to take people at their word. How many of you would pull an axle apart to see what kind of locker in really in there? How many of you would cut a chassis apart to see if its really been slugged with solid stock or not? or pull a tcase apart to count splines or teeth on the gears?