ok other than the good point about the selectable hub on one side thing by Rich (duh, lol my bad)
Come on guys, theres no reason why I cant use the Jeep to putt around town in. I never plan on taking it over 45mph ever anyway.
I want to make a reasonable discussion here before we start jumping into calling me an idiot like usual (which I deserve most of the time
) but I'm gonna list you guys reasons why I shouldn't drive it on the road with my rebuttal's then take those reasons and try to argue back in a clear conscience manner so we can come to some sort of comprimise. Driving it on the road is definitly something I want to do, so Lets work together to come up with a solution to make it reasonable.
Full Hydro point - I know lots of people that have run full hydro on the street why can't I?
Pinion Brake Argument - to be honest I have no real experience with so I can't make any assumptions about them yet.
Rich - As far as the pinion brakes what do you mean when you say they got scary? Like they didn't hardly do anything or they stopped it so quickly it was hard to control?
My questionable Fab skills - OK, the only thing I can say against this is I will have it at the BDB ride this saturday anyone is free to look at it and make suggestions as to how I should modify something to make it safer I dont really know any other way to discuss that point other then seeing it first hand
My questionable Driving Ability - Sorry but I will just have to say that assumption in general is wrong
I have never gotten into a wreck or Gotten any kind of Driving Citation
Not only that but I have worked at a boat place for the last 5 summers spending alot of time hauling around boats up to 32ft, and here recently quite literally everytime I go from Raliegh to Mooresville I tow my trailer with some type of load, I have completly rebuilt the trailer myself and know what happens when you load it wrong or have faulty parts. I believe my towing abilities are pretty fair.
Granted I have had a good bit of bad stuff happen to me, but I look at them as learning experiences and they havn't happened to me again since, and not a single one of the incidents was due to my driving faults it was due to some type of mechanical failure
So Reasons why I cant drive it on the road, go.