Benefit ride at The Flats, July 24th

im getting an MRI and xrays at 3 today. Im pretty busted up. I am pretty sure im out of the Harlan race now, Dylan will be pleased.
thx Mike, you the man, get me those chromo specs/needs, im gonna hook a brutha up.

The racer side of me is saying ''Yes..Gregs busted'':bounce2:

But the stupid other half of me is all like, Dang that sucks.:confused:

You need a driver?:popcorn:
had a blast today. was good to finally get to the Flats and especially for a good cause like this. nice to meet all the new faces and ride with those again that Ive already met. got some pics for ya'll that didn't make it. most are here:
and here are some for those who don't facebook :D
Herbie had a bad day. :(
Greg, I hope it feels better tomorrow.
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more from the day
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I don't have many more, had too much fun riding around.

Damn, I make that hat look goooood! lmao
Dang Greg, man I hate you are hurt. Resisting the urge.......................
Ok Got over it
Give me a call and let me know how you are, or how they say you are
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Just on a side note from a Jeep that is growing in size I noticed some significant erosion on some of the trails.

Atl trail 2 should be yellow and regular 2 could probably be a red. The top of Laurel Lane could probably also be a red, the bottom was the most fun that I could enjoy and complete (so I kept doin it over and over:driver:)

Only an observation for us smaller guys that still want to join in on the fun. I want everyone to enjoy this place as much as I do!
The shirt really made the hat work :flipoff2:
really? I thought it was the farmers tan that made it stand out. :huggy:
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Just on a side note from a Jeep that is growing in size I noticed some significant erosion on some of the trails.

Atl trail 2 should be yellow and regular 2 could probably be a red. The top of Laurel Lane could probably also be a red, the bottom was the most fun that I could enjoy and complete (so I kept doin it over and over:driver:)

Only an observation for us smaller guys that still want to join in on the fun. I want everyone to enjoy this place as much as I do!

nah, keep Alt 2 the same, I made in a stocker. :flipoff2: I may have had a wheel or two off the ground at times but it was doable!
I couldn't really tell ya about the yellow trails tho. the ones I did try were a lil too much for a stock TJ w/ At's.
Cltdba – Your welcome for the hot food Friday night. It was my pleasure. I had a blast the entire weekend…. FYI – I’m not anyone’s wife……
Greg - I am so sorry that you got hurt. I sincerely hope you are doing better…. Here are a few pictures.


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Cltdba – Your welcome for the hot food Friday night. It was my pleasure. I had a blast the entire weekend…. FYI – I’m not anyone’s wife……
Greg - I am so sorry that you got hurt. I sincerely hope you are doing better…. Here are a few pictures.

Ahh thanks again! Here's to the unmarried girl taking care of the guys! :beer:
Dylan I had a blast and plan to change a few things on the jeep and rock it.
And glad to take care of the guys....I'm sure the favor would be returned when needed.
And don't forget fractured ego! Take care Greg.