WOW, just about describes it. It’s hard to believe that with such short notice(two weeks) that we were able to put on such a successful event. I don’t have a clue where to start, but I’ll try
First off, this couldn't’t have happened at all without Word of mouth brought in a few folks, but the real credit goes to this board. From the owners, to every person who attended. Most learned it from here
Our deepest gratitude goes to all the people who give in so many ways. There were the businesses that donated items for the raffle. I don’t think I have ever been to a raffle with so much cool stuff to win. We had individuals that bought stuff and or made stuff that were awesome prizes. We had many Rock Corps members who give of their time. We had the Big Dixie Boggers who came up, put on a show, eat a hot dog, went back to play, and then had to leave early because of prior commitments. But they found time in their day, to make our day a success. We had many members of The Trail Jammers club there to support us,, and many were roped into helping our in various duties. Carolina Trail Blazers were also in attendance and several of those were helping out to keep things running. I know other clubs were also in attendance, and to you all, A great big from the bottom of my heart,…Thank you so much.
No one went hungry or thirsty either. Terry Moorefield made sure of that with his vast variety of hot dogs and fixin’s and many coolers of drinks. It was hot to say the least, but Terry stood over a grill all day, so I know he had to be in the hottest spot of the property all day. Thank you Terry for taking so good of care for each and everyone of us.
I alone came up with these events. I didn’t disclose the details until the day of the event.
I participated, but took myself out of contention so it couldn't’t be said that I had an unfair advantage. I did how ever score the most points in the show and shine, but as said, it was for fun. The blind mans drive, well that was fun. I had heard of it, but had never don’t it. I set up a small course, even drove Through it a couple of times to make sure a rig my size could do it. It could, so I called it good. But when I was blind folded, …different story. Out of a possible 50 points, I came away with 14! LOL The Ramp was steep, and I didn’t do too good on that either. Slow crawl, well I wasn’t the slowest there either. But was second slowest, barrel race LOL My Heep don’t turn too sharp, and had to back up, I was one of the slowest!.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks so much to everyone for participating.
The raffle was great. Before the raffle, I made an announcement, that if you won it, didn’t need it, couldn’t use it, or for what ever reason wanted to donate it back, we would auction it off. I did pretty good in the raffle, but I had no need for another Bud Built winch plate, I also won a beast of a chain with an even bigger hook. Other gave back a few gifts and we had auction. I ain’t no auctioneer, but with the help of Steve Brush( I think he has been to a few auctions and secretly always wanted to be the one pointing of the bidders) we raised still another couple hundred dollars.
We then had the Trophy awards.
Show and Shine
Steve Brush
Barrel race winner
Brandon Floyd
RTI Ramp
Mike Hitchcock 860
Slow Crawl
Brian Cannon
Blind Mans Drive
Three way tie with perfect scores of 50 points
Calvin Rhodes
Derrick Burge
Rodney Padgett
Trophy awarded to Calvin Rhodes (by way of a draw from a hat)
Over all winner
Rodney Padgett
Special thanks to Mike Burell for designing the trophies, and to Scott Sill of MudPro for making them and donating them to us!
After the awards, four of us went into my camper in the AC to see how we did.
We raised over $3500.00!
Thank you all so much for being a part of this and making it a success.
I apologize to the many I would loved to have said good bye to, but I couldn't’t bring myself to come out of the AC for a while. When I come out, everyone was gone! I hope everyone recouped from the heat. I am still working on it!