Big Nasty

The heart doctor came by. The bottom end seems good, rod bearings are tight; wrist pins look tight; no broke skirts or scarred walls. The top end seems good, no broke springs; keepers are all on. End play is good; run out looks good. Alot of backlash in the timing chain. Time for open heart surgery.:(
After pulling the engine out and tearing it down I found damage from a foreign object in one of the cylinders. Worst is the block has a major crack from the wreck that the engine came out of. I have been talking with the people I got the engine from at Knox Auto Parts. They offer a 90 day warranty on engines, and I was way past that, but they could tell from this build thread that I had not used the engine yet. Bottom line came through and sent me another LS1. WOW...not many places would have done "the right thing" like these guys did. I highly recommend giving these guys a call if you need anything.
call MUDPRO Metalworks