Buy Your Own Damn Supplies


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
This year I say enough. I am not buying and sending my kid to school with 10 glue sticks and enough packs of pencils that she'll never have to sharpen one (just two examples on the list). At the rate of supplies being asked for I must be among 2 parents per class who actually buy this crap so everyone else can freeload. I wouldn't even mind if I was asked for double the amount my kid needs assuming 1/2 the people needed help.

Rant off.
My 7th grader has to bring 5 rolls of duct tape

Converesly our teachers now have to buy paper for the copy machine out of their pocket.

Everyone here knows I am a strong supporter of athletics and the lessons they teach. But its tough when a High School football coach who isnt an AD or a teacher makes $125k, and a teacher making $28k has to buy her own copy paper.
This is exactly how I felt after buying all the crap on her list last week (4th grade). What does she need two large packs of college ruled notebook paper and two large packs of colored pencils plus the ink pens and #2 pencils. I don't figure I've used 2000 sheets of notebook paper (wait, see poop thread) and 40 colored pencils in my 10 years of elementary school.

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My 7th grader has to bring 5 rolls of duct tape

Converesly our teachers now have to buy paper for the copy machine out of their pocket.

Everyone here knows I am a strong supporter of athletics and the lessons they teach. But its tough when a High School football coach who isnt an AD or a teacher makes $125k, and a teacher making $28k has to buy her own copy paper.

Hey Ron, you need to check your posts for typos. You said 5 rolls of duct tape? Who are they kidnapping? I'd have to speak to a principal about that. A football coach making $125k? No way. They were the dumbest people in school including special ed, lol.
I don't mind buying teacher supplies like copy paper, etc. on the list. I think it sucks that funding is so screwed up and they pay for stuff out of pocket. I also give a cash donation to the school every year that my company matches. It's buying stuff for other people's kids that annoys me. A few people may need help and that's fine. Maybe there should be a new rule - if I financially support your kid because you don't care enough to I get a say in how they are raised.
It's a lot. My kids are starting 1st grade this year and the list is crazy long. I'm a sucker though. I can't stand not to see any kid be deprived of what they "need". If it's a few $ to maybe help their education so they don't end up dropping out and in jail taking more of my $, I consider it an investment for both of us.
It's a lot. My kids are starting 1st grade this year and the list is crazy long. I'm a sucker though. I can't stand not to see any kid be deprived of what they "need". If it's a few $ to maybe help their education so they don't end up dropping out and in jail taking more of my $, I consider it an investment for both of us.
I didn't really look at it this way. That is a good way to think about it.

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Just went and helped my buddy help move stuff to his wife's classroom. She has spent 1700 dollars for supplies and she said that might make it to Christmas. Schools supply nothing now except a room to teach in, but expect every teacher to out perform them self's from previous years or loose their job

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bottom line, being a teacher in NC has to be about the love of teaching, because it sure can't be about the money earned!
I remember when the schools supplied everything, except maybe a notebook,paper, pencils. Then the big push for the education lottery to help with schools, supplies and so on. Sounded great, add the revenue from the lottery, to the tax payers contribution, and WOW, look what could be doe for our schools! yeah um hum!
bottom line, being a teacher in NC has to be about the love of teaching, because it sure can't be about the money earned!
I remember when the schools supplied everything, except maybe a notebook,paper, pencils. Then the big push for the education lottery to help with schools, supplies and so on. Sounded great, add the revenue from the lottery, to the tax payers contribution, and WOW, look what could be doe for our schools! yeah um hum!
The lottery is great, if only taxes still added anything to their budget. Maybe if NC had a budget surplus things would be different. Oh wait, they do.
A teacher friend of mine put it correctly.... "Tell the government to fully fund education and take that money from the penal system. Let them collect box tops if they want to purchase new cots for the inmates." Fund education and teach the kids properly and you might just end up with less in the prison system."
The supply list is ridiculous. Our 2nd grader has to bring 48 pencils, all sharpened. Plus all the other crap. Apparently they put all the pencils in a community cup, kid gets one to use, when it needs to be sharpened, they put it in a dull cup and get another one from the sharp cup. They can't even sharpen their own damn pencil! They are using pencils to teach kids how to depend on the govt.
Hey Ron, you need to check your posts for typos. You said 5 rolls of duct tape? Who are they kidnapping? I'd have to speak to a principal about that. A football coach making $125k? No way. They were the dumbest people in school including special ed, lol.

No typos my friend...sad but true.

Not sure on the duct tape.
Also spiral notebooks are BANNED composition or three ring binder only.
No kids yet...but have a dozen or so friends that are teachers. With as little as they make, and as much that has to come out of their own pocket...I generally try to 'sponsor' them and toss them all a few hundred each year for supplies and/or books for the class room. And if they have something 'Extra' during the year they need help with, generally try to make it happen. Might not be a whole lot, and sure the freeloaders suck, but I look at it more like trying to help the ones that deserve it, and allowing the teachers to live a little better.
Everyone here knows I am a strong supporter of athletics and the lessons they teach. But its tough when a High School football coach who isnt an AD or a teacher makes $125k, and a teacher making $28k has to buy her own copy paper.

Id have an issue with this, if the football team isn't bringing in excess funds. I know guys like Tommy Knotts out of Independence was making that kind of money, but didn't lose a game for 10 years and had a top 10 program in the country. Scott Young, a personal friend of mine, just took over at the same Independence with 4 state titles to his name in the last decade and is in the sub-60k range. I know when I was a head coach in the public school system, I got $1,000...and the vast majority saw less than a $5k bump in pay. Unless of course, they were the exceptionally great coach for an extended amount of time.
The lotto monies is allotted for new education facilities construction only in NC.

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No kids yet...but have a dozen or so friends that are teachers. With as little as they make, and as much that has to come out of their own pocket...I generally try to 'sponsor' them and toss them all a few hundred each year for supplies and/or books for the class room. And if they have something 'Extra' during the year they need help with, generally try to make it happen. Might not be a whole lot, and sure the freeloaders suck, but I look at it more like trying to help the ones that deserve it, and allowing the teachers to live a little better.
I call bullshit...

There's no way you have a dozen friends.
Yep it sucks. I have 3 kids, and the dining room table is loaded with school supplies right now. Gotta get them when they are cheap.

Now just wait til February or March when they run out of supplies, and start begging for more :shaking:
We ended up getting a lot of stuff last year from the generic list they sent out early. On day 1 of school, they came home with a completely different list. This year we'll wait for the new list to come out.
The lotto monies is allotted for new education facilities construction only in NC.

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Why did Guilford County have to pass a bond referendum a few years ago to re-build a school lost to arson?

The majority of the lotto money go to the Lotto company for "fees". The next big chunk goes to the payment of winnings, the next chunk goes to the state for "fees" and around 12% goes to education.
Then the state reduced it's edu-budget by ......... the same percentage.

I researched this thoroughly a few years ago and I'm sure the numbers may be off ...... working from memory at my age is dangerous.
But the Lotto money was NEVER about education.

After making my broad statement and being called on it(I knew I would lol). I talked to my wife who works in the finance office of our fine county and I have heard her say that they can only spend the lotto income on construction. She said that 40% is mandated to be spent on construction, and the county gets some say in the rest. I guess our county says construction. I says teacher salaries and damn supplies!!

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