Certified Truck Scales in Raleigh Area ???


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
Hey all im looking for any certified scales in the Raleigh Area ???

When my truck gets here, id like to scale it so I can see what the axle weights are before I get started with things...

Thanks -mike
Mike, i would assume that the scales at the rock quarry would be certified. The closest one to us is about 2 more miles down us 1 from my shop. I have weighed all my junk there before, just walk in and ask the guys.
just take it over to the dumb on Durant rd and go onto scales and tell them you need a certified weight for DMV and they will do it for free :)

that is how i did my Ford
just take it over to the dumb on Durant rd and go onto scales and tell them you need a certified weight for DMV and they will do it for free :)

that is how i did my Ford

Ken your "p" key is upside down
Thanks !

kyle - I've been to the quary scales but they arnt usually there on saturdays unless they are doing a big job..

Dump will work out as I have recycle some used oil anyway...

Driver called it will be here ~8pm tonight...