Check In ifer'n you're drunk

Checkin in! Bonfire, food, and a suitcase of beers that magically disappeared. Yep. Bed. Yep.
Bed?!?!? Dafuq is dat!?!?!!

Come on man....

(As I'm kicked back, one eyed squinting)
Can't feel my face
Wife/kids are out of town until tomorrow, then I’m a single dad for a week while the wife is on a church retreat. Not my usual drink, but I’m gonna get some good sleep preemptively. I’m not sure how much it’s gonna take, but I know how much left I have to use…lips and face are starting to tingle…
It’s official, I’m out of Nattys and Busch Lattes and not a single Hamms in sight. I guess it back to the bud light, spoiling my liver a little bit tonight I guess.


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